Wow who couldve guest, this is the last.

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Why isn't anyone reading my retelling of RWBY? Wheres my 69 votes every chapter in my rwby fic.

Why am i a shameless? I fking write horny shits for you horny fks that's enough reason tbh.

Ecchi dayoh.

Any way Lets begin the reaction fic just like i told 3 chapter then back to this after 3 chapter in here back to that.

Readers -"It feels weird that you aren't ranting about something at the beginning of a reaction chapter."

Well to that folks STFU just read the trash that i produce.

Btw if i suck at telling stories or expressing something, its because nothing dramatic happen in my life. Its a must for something dramatic like heart broken or dead family to be a good writer.

Btw guys you already know how they will react I'll only react to which are needed and interesting. This community is filled with reaction fics ill just summarise it and im lazy.

Yeah the quality literally dropped.

The magic of writing this reaction fic left me body.

My vision for this fic is to make my oc the villain and take a more active role after v4.5 they'll return to the real world with flamma as a new studend in which there will be 6 class
Class A. Arisu
Class B. Ryuen
Class C. Ichinose
Class D. Suzune
Class E. Kiyotaka
Class F. Flamma but ill give him a jap name (Rekka)

The other years are included in the fight but the stakes is much higher kiyos freedom isn't what they're fighting for its the survival of mankind ehem human kind happy? and lets be honest this plot is kinda edgy.

Where did we left off in the last chapter.

"But the additional rules were really difficult to understand. If you did
things normally, you wouldn't have been able to identify the leaders. Right?"

The students nodded their heads agreeing with Suzune.

"Yeah. First of all, I volunteered to join the search for the base camp.
Able to move freely, I planned to search out spot locations ahead of everyone else."

Class d were now talking among themselves not among us, on why kiyo did that and how did he do that.

"You make it sound simple, but no one should have known the spot

Again a lot of students agreed with her.

"That's not true. You didn't understand because you were ill and holed up inside the ship, but the school already gave us hints about the locations when we were sailing around the island."

Katsuragi had also noticed this when the ship circled the island at an
unusually fast speed. Horikita fell silent. The ship had been traveling nearly three times faster than a usual cruise ship. Besides, if it were just for
sightseeing, it wasn't normal to use a strange expression like "significant

Those who now realise on how he got the hint and how the spots were placed and still the 1st years are confuse af boi.

Kouenji had noticed this hint, too. Well, it was probably a waste of
time thinking about Kouenji, anyway.

Koenji -"Oh why would you call it a waste of time thinking about me."

Kiyo -"So you want me..... a fellow man to think about you?"

CoTe reacts (End. To the bat cave! I mean next Book)Where stories live. Discover now