The truth part 2

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A/n; so I started a new fanfic i dunnu why but its male oc x rwby but he wont get any love interest in there. And upd this will come twice a month. RWBY right now is a shit show with so terrible writing that even I can make it better and in proving my point I won't make that much effort on writing this hence twice a month but I'll still produce a good reaction fic and continue this. I loved Volume 1 rwby and yeah the introduction, world building and dust isn't explained that good heck semblance isn't even talked about before volume 14. The VA is literally so shit that I literally watched it Japanese dubbed so I can take and process it.

I need to rant and obviously you guys don't want to hear me rant and throw tantrums but me a responsible and independent teenager (pwahahahahhahaha) will still do.

Readers -"You can't even update this fic and your planning on creating another and you didn't even get your phone fix."

Author -"I'll be honest with you. Im kinda retarded."

Reader -"Yeah no shit Sherlock."

Author -"Jeez I wanna slit your dick off so bad."

Reader -"Jokes on you our dick is so small you cant even find it."

Author -".........ohhhhkay wtf am I writing im losing my sanity on not having a fking phone."

Anyway just read the shit i produce like a good slaves you are. Its not like im doing this to you guys or anything cause I secretly like you. Aho.


(Its hard to read right? Like a fucking pokemon filler episode. Honestly I want to create my own manga or book and i have a friend who knows to draw and so I wanna create a good story that's literally a parody of everything and anything but will still be a great story. (Sherk was able to do this and fuck its kinda stupid I loved it I even have a sherk fking poster in my room) so yeah when will I stop talking and literally continue this fic and stop talkin? I dunnu)

BTW fuck democracy.

After I returned to the ship, I went back to my room right away. An
exhausted Hirata was there, asleep on his side.

I changed my clothes quietly so I wouldn't wake him and headed into the hall.

Hirata -"Thank you Ayanokouji-kun." Despite what they saw Hirata still thank him for not disturbing his sleep.

Kiyo -"Its ok. Its common etiquette."
The not so generic brown haired mc said.

(Honestly i need new hair colored mc white, blue and brown is the fking norm atleast be unique about it)

Fuka -"Why did you blur him changing you dum- no insulting you will get a weird reaction. But again why did you blurr it!"

Chie and Amasawa questioned as well.

Flamma -"No reason." I certainly didn't blurr it to get insulted.

Flamma -"Moving on you thirsty women's."

When I turned my phone back on, the ringer started buzzing repeatedly. My call history had filled up. They were all from Horikita. Scary. For the time being, I just answered emails and relaxed in the lounge while I waited.

Ryuen -"Im getting pissed at you lying on your own thoughts that i wanna punch you Ayanokouji."

Kiyo -"Pls dont."

CoTe reacts (End. To the bat cave! I mean next Book)Where stories live. Discover now