Saving private Sudo

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A/n: can you imagine Kiyotaka dancing to; Where evil grows by the poppy famili i definitely can
Ps: the evil type or anti hero type of mc is what i simp for anyway just want to get this of my chest

Kiyo - "Amasawa can you stop sitting on my lap now"

Ichika - "Ara are you embarrassed senpai?"

Kiyo - "No. The stares and glares just makes me feel uncomfortable" . "And you don't want me to die from the male population right?"

Ichika - "So im not good enough to make senpai embarrassed huhu" she said while trying to wipe some none existing tears. The she continued "I'll leave anyways who wants a turn to sit on senpais lap?" Suzune, Airi, Kei, Arisu, Ichinose and Hiyori raised their hand.

Sudog evolved into sudead when he saw Suzune raising her hand

Kiyo - "Oi I'm not a chair and what do you guys even get from sitting on my lap? And why are you raising your hand Horikita don’t tell me..Im gonna die soon"

Ichika - "To answer your question senpai. Your more comfortable that any chair can ever be" Then she whispered something to Kiyo "Dont you want to feel our butt and thighs senpai?" He just raised an eyebrow when he heard her.

Suzune - "It do sounds tempting on the way she describes it"

Hiyori - "Ayanokoji can I sit on your lap?" She ask while giving an angelic puppy eye's.

Kiyo - "Uhhh...sure then if its you" after his harem heard him they started to glare at kiyo with killing intent. Specially Arisu and Suzune.

Hiyori - "Yey!!" She exclaimed as she sat down on Kiyos lap in with the most angelic smile you could ever imagine that can even melt Ryuen and Hosen's hearts. "Can I call you by your given name! and also can you give me head pats!"

Kiyo - "Yeah yeah" He complied and started to give her head pats. Hiyori's angelic smile reach over 9000 due to what’s happening.

Kei - Mouuu he didn't even do that to me!! But I still win im his girlfriend

Ichinose - Maybe he will do that to me later. Yosh im not just gonna ask for head pats im gonna ask for an embrace to!!.

Ryuen who notice Arisu's bitter smile and murderous aura that she's emitting decided to mock her

Ryuen - "Oh don't tell me your jealous Sakayanagi? Only Shina(is that what he calls her?) Is capable of such feats after all"

(Btw if your wondering wheres Airi? Haruka and Akito is calming her down. She was seen holding a kitchen knife)

Arisu - "of course any women will be jealous of her. Shes getting a first class seat and special treatment from Ayanokouji after all"

Hiyori who noticed the jealous aura decided to be bold and ask Kiyo for a hug. He complied. He must protect her at all costs Specially that smile.

When he hugged her, Hiyori showed the smuggiest smile that surpassed the smug loli level. (Imagine her angelic smile plus smug smile. I can't even imagine it I might die if I picture it) the girls flinched when they saw her smug face and tick marks can be seen on their faces.

(Im giving her this much attention because i almost forgot she existed so this is an apology to her. And im not in any individual camp. Im in harem ehem ehem toolkit camp)

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