Island exam truth part 1 cause why not?

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A/n: so my passion for reading and writing shit just got lost for some reason. Not really i just fall in love with fighting games like blazblue and guilty gear and im playing pokemon x and omega ruby cause finally i learned how to download 3ds emulator and roms on my phone. Which is fucking broken.

Im forcing myself on making this cause i feel sorry for you guys(not really, its not like i care about you guys or anything. Idiots) as an apology I'll give you guys a great antagonist.

So you must be wandering why I returned well the reaction fanfic i was reading isn't exactly what i want. There's no story to it. The reactions isn't really upto realism and the reaction isn't consistent so i return determine to make a great fanfic while changing some shit you might hate it like how im changing kiyo but its what i want.

Plus im trying to create my own novel. Light novel title are fking ridiculous but im just gonna go with the norm. 'I don't want to set the world on fire but I did so anyway's' yeah its fking ridiculous and its half a music reference.

Ps: no hate to other authors i liked their fics but there's to many questionable stuff like how retarded they make class 2D jesus Christ they aren't inbred. They aren't fking sausage rolls they atleast have common fking sense ffs. Enough of my rant. Les sa go its a me edge lord without the edge or lord.

Silence filled the room the only thing you can hear is Flamma singing Guess who's back? Back again. Shady's back
Tell a friend Guess who's back, guess who's back Guess who's back, guess who's back Guess who's back, guess who's back Guess who's back while dragging 20 box of donuts? Wtf didn't he just ate 10 packs of doritos how come he isn't gaining weight and aren't those unhealthy?

Ryuen, Arisu, Ayanopapa, Tsukishiro and Hosen laughing while Nanase just gritting her teeth, clenching her fist and glaring on our not evil protagonist. The one's on his harem specially Ichinose and Hiyori are trying to act not afraid of him.

Ryuen -"Thats what fit's you better Ayanokouji! You acting all goody two shoes disgust and infuriate me in multiple reasons."

Ayanopapa -"I must agree with that boy, your exactly like me you even said so yourself."

However he just remain silent and yawn in their faces. Those who aren't afraid of him after seeing the climps? (Is that how you spell that?) Where bad mouthing him.

Blinded by dumbass rage a furious dog charge at the protagonist who's also eating donuts?

Sudo -"Ayanokoji!" He shouted but.

Before the rabid dog got to the boy who'll steal your girlfriend if your not cautious mc two figures grabbed the rabbid dog and proceeded to do a double choke slam on our green hat boi.

Ryuen/Hosen -"Idiot im the only one whose allowed to beat the living shit out of him." They both said while having the biggest smile.

The dog grunted in pain still conscious.
The other who where snapped out of their trance by the events proceeded to question and bad mouth even some blame him for what happend.

But i wont write those shit I'll lose brain cells plus we already know what they'll about to say anyway.

Kiyo stayed silent not even caring for his classmates while Suzune didn't raised her head from that long

The food loving fuck upfront finally spoke.

Flamma -"I don't know if you guy's are stupid? Retarded? Inbred? Or all the above. But im leaning on all of the above." The god said while proceeding to put 3 donuts in his mouth.

Before they can speak they where cut off by an unexpected fellow.

Koenji -"Haha how dumb you already know from watching the videos that what ever he do there's no con's all are pros and how i see it he killed 2 birds with one stone."

Flamma -"Seems like your interested huh."

Koenji -"Just shut up, eat and play the video you glutton."

Flamma -"Jeez I just took a long break and this is what I get? Before we continue I have a special guest."

He tapped his feet on the ground and a teen appeared.

Flamma -"Pls welcome my new guest, his name is chunchumaru."

Chunchumaru -"Wait I was supposed to go home and let the new guy take over my work."

Ryuen -"Seems like you kidnapped him Flamma."

Flamma -"More like making him my property."

Chunchumaru -"Sorry im not into other men or bdsm."

Flamma -"Not like that. Like this."

The red haired god snapped his fingers and chunchumaru was instantly in a turtle bondage.

Papayanagi -"Pls dont we have innocentl students here."

Flamma -"First thing First are you ticklish?"

Chunchumaru -"Uhhhhh..... no? why?"

Flamma -"Well I dont trust your words so its time to experiment. Hmp i need some feathers a small butchering knife a chainsaw some pliers hmp what can a i use for torture?" He said striking a thinking pose.

Chunchumaru -"Help I dont want to die!!"

Flamma -"Ohh dont mind us where just gonna have some personal time with my new best bud."

Fuka -"Would you let us have our time w/kohai later like you promise and well just let you go no questions ask."

Kiyo -"Why me?"

Flamma -"Ill think about it just be a good humans and behave and watch ok?"

Fuka -"Are we some kind of cattle?"

Flamma -"Maybe and i would have no problem milking you or the others."

Fuka -"No thank you only kohai would be aloud to do that."

Kiyo -"I dont need to know that."

Fuka -"You dont want that privilege?"

Flamma -"Your lucky or something I guess? Either way just watch and ignore me."

Ryuen -"Its kinda hard cause your right next to the fucking screen don't ya think and pls dont fk his ass right in front of us would you?"

Flamma -"Who said that im gonna fk him? Where just gonna move up top and you guys can continue watching."


Flamma -"So hows the family?"

Chunchumaru -"Let me go."

Flamma -"First you need to sit."

Chunchumaru -"Why is there a part where i can put my fingers? why is there a leather belt use to tied something? Oi your kinda fked up."

Flamma -"Absolutely no reason. Ill just clean your nails by removing it."

Chunchumaru -"That's not how you clean nails! Stop! Dont tie me there!"


Hashimoto -"Oh they're really going at it."

Ishizaki -"How can someone be an M and an S at the same time?"

Kirito -"No one knows."

Arisu -"Who are you?"

Flamma -"Im gonna be busy for a while so I ask him to baby sit you guys but ill be back before the video ends."

Kirito -"Dont go overboard I still want a turn on what ever your about to do."

Flamma -"Yeah yeah sharing is caring or what ever."

Fkk lets leave it at that for now Ill think on what im about to do next and leave you guys on a cliffhanger for a while I just want to update

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