Kiyo vs Manabu

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Flamma-"alright so where did we left of right i remember now ehem this next part will be something interesting specifically for the Horikita siblings"

Manabu-"so its that time"

Nagumo-"so senpai is involved now that's interesting"

No, drifting's the wrong word. It wasn't a pleasant situation. I felt like I was in a haze, because I didn't know the urgency of near-expulsion.
This was everyone else's problem, not mine, so it just didn't register as important.

Suzune-"then why did you help?"

Kiyo-"who knows even myself doesn't know"

Suzune-"I can't understand you"

Kiyo/Arisu/Ryuen/Kei-"No one can"they said in unison

Hashimoto-"so hime you can't read king"

Arisu-"i can but its not accurate enough"

Shinohara-"Karuizawa...san? What do you mean by that?"

Kei-"He's basically an unreadable book with his own different language "
Ryuen-"Karuizawa's right we can't read him. But he can read us"

Suzune-"ho so your saying that even you can't read him and btw you call every woman by their given name why not call her by her given name aswell?"

Ryuen-"yes he is unreadable for now atleast, and why im not calling her by her given name is she's already his and if anyone messed with his personal pawn 'he' will show no mercy whoever you are"

Flamma-"moving on"

"Only a fool wouldn't use his innate abilities."Those words stuck in my head.

Ayanopapa-"so you still remember my words kiyotaka"

Kiyo-"i cant forget anything that ever happened to begin with"

Matsushita-"then why do you still hide them"

Kiyo-"your answer will be showed next"

"A fool, huh? I wonder if that's what I am, after all."
But there's a quote that will go against on what that man had said to me long ago
"It takes a great talent and skill to conceal one's talent and skill"

Manabu-"Hahaha you are indeed right so thats why you won't show yourself?"

Kiyo-"that and me wanting an ordinary life"

Ayanopapa-"so you're planning to go against my every ideal?"

Kiyo-"maybe so"

As I closed the window, the television's cacophonous laughter pierced
my ears.

I couldn't get to sleep, so I got up and left. I bought some juice from
the lobby's vending machine and headed back for the elevator.


I could see that the elevator had stopped on the seventh floor. Curious,
I decided to check out the CCTV, which showed what was happening inside
the elevator car.

I saw Horikita, still dressed in her school uniform.

Sudo-"where were you going suzune"

Suzune-"its none of your business sudo kun"

"Well, I don't really need to hide, but..."

CoTe reacts (End. To the bat cave! I mean next Book)Where stories live. Discover now