The Beginning

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"Um, is Chiyabashira-sensei here?"

Matsushita- so my thoughts are correct Ayanokoji is hiding something and he's the one leading the photo we were showed before just literally revealed

"What? Sae-chan? She was here until a few moments ago…"

The teacher who looked back had wavy, shoulder-length hair that gave off an adult-like impression.

She said Chiyabashira-sensei's name as if they were close. They also look close in age.

"Looks like she had something to do. Do you want to wait inside?"

"No, I'll wait in the hallway."

I don't feel comfortable in areas like the staff room. Because I didn't want to attract any attention, I decided to stay in the hallway. As soon as I thought that, the teacher walked out into the hallway.

"I'm Hoshinomiya Chie, responsible for class B. I've been best friends with Sae since high school. We're close enough to call each other Sae-chan and Chie-chan~."

I've never heard of her before, but it seems like some useless information.

Hoshinomiya- "~That's kinda mean you know~"

"Ne, why did Sae-chan call you here? Ne ne, why?"

"Who knows. I don't know the reason either…"

My Classmates- "Yeah why did you cause trouble for the class?!"

Haruka- "Kiyopon will never do something like that!! ,why are you assuming he did something like that!!"

Hirata- "Calm down everyone, he won't do some thing like that lets just watch what will happen next"

Hiratards- "If hirata say's so"

(There it is the Legendary line)

(A/N: I actually dont hate them I just want to insult someone)

"I don't understand. You were called out without being given the reason? Fuun? What's your name?"

A barrage of questions. She examined me up and down.

"My name's Ayanokouji."

"Ayanokouji-kun? Isn't that a cool name~. You're popular, right~?"

My Classmate- "No!"

Amasawa-"he's popular in the 1st year he's in the no.1 datable senpai poll in the 1st year"

Kiyo-"whats with you girls and these poll"

Amasawa-"you dont want that senpai? A lot of kohai wants to be your girlfriend and all but I'll take you all to myself"that earned her the glares of the 1st year girls and kei while the boys in my class was just glaring at me

Kiyo-"not really and why would i be happy about it?"

What is this overly casual teacher. She's closer to a student than she is to a teacher like Chiyabashira-sensei. If this were an all-boys school, she'd probably capture the hearts of every student.

CoTe reacts (End. To the bat cave! I mean next Book)Where stories live. Discover now