Breaking Horikita

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A/n:after thar long break, im still discouraged on writing i can't get my motivation now but I'll upload 3 a month so be patient if you want to read this fic ty.

Also im gonna rush dis shit so yeah.

Flamna-"So let's begin."

I kicked off from the wet ground and chased Ibuki. The weather was a
bothersome problem.

Ike -"If i remember correctly this was in the 1st unhabited island exam. So what was Ayanokouji doing there? There was a fire at our base camp?"

Flamma -" You'll know soon."

If it got much worse, I might get stuck or have an accident. Also, the fact that the sun was going down earlier than I'd anticipated made it difficult to push forward without a flashlight.
The passing showers grew even stronger, and the winds started to howl more violently.

Flamma -"Ok before you guy's ask him what was he even doing in there just please fking wait or im gonna put you inside the Blood-C universe."

They just nooded like the good boy's and girls they are.

(You are not allowed to call as a girl we found it offensive.

If i meet someone like this I'll definitely shit inside their fking mouth)

The weather was just negative all around, no favorable points at all.
I could only see a few meters ahead because of the pouring rain. Also,
if I wandered onto any of the side roads, I'd probably get lost.

Hashimoto -" Even king is good at navigating in the forest. What can't you do?"

Ryuen -"Be human he said. Kukuku so you accept that you're a monster."

Kiyo -"Hopefully not."

Thankfully, two pairs of footprints remained in the muddy ground and made it easy for me to follow after them. The footprints just suddenly stopped, though.

Ike -"Why is there 2 pair of footprints if your only chasing Ibuki san? Who's the other one?"

Flamma -" Come one didn't i just said to watch, it will be revealed sooner, just be patient"

(Yeah im just gonna make them react to the important part now but I'll make sure there's a lot of talking)

No, on second glance, they didn't stop; they continued deeper into the forest.

The fact that the footprints suddenly took a sharp turn meant they
hadn't gotten lost, but rather that they'd intentionally ventured deeper into the forest.

When I pointed my flashlight toward the depths of the forest, I saw the
two pairs of footprints going deeper and deeper.

There was no reason for
them to intentionally enter such a dangerous place.

Just to be sure, I tried shining the flashlight on the route that led to the
beach, but there weren't any footprints.

The ground was clear. I wiped away
the rain dripping from my bangs, and followed the footprints deeper into the forest.

Ichika -"Senpai you look hot at that moment~. Can you play it again Flamma."

Flamma -"Uhhh.... Why not? Feast your eyes."


They see Kiyo's 8 pack(tbh i can't believe kiyo having 8, only 6 ngl. I mean his body is made to have the perfect amount of muscle if he has a 8 pack thats over kill. But i must go with the trend)

CoTe reacts (End. To the bat cave! I mean next Book)Where stories live. Discover now