Part 3: Chapter 13

Start from the beginning

Rush nodded, not removing his mouth from the bag until there was nothing left.

He drained two more bags before he finally stood up, looking around the room as if stunned for long moments. I kept careful watch, but he did nothing suspicious.

"I should go," Rush said, moving towards the door.

"I don't think that she meant you had to leave the moment you woke up," Chael pointed out.

Rush looked at him, point blank. "It's better if I get away from you for now, I think. I'm not thirsty, but I'm craving."

I considered arguing, but decided to trust him to get himself there. "We'll walk you out."

We escorted the newest bloodsucker to the hidden tunnel to New Haven.

Rush turned to Lincoln and said, "Tell Marlene and the kids where I went. And tell them that I love them and that I'll see them as soon as I know I'm fully in control of myself."

Lincoln nodded solemnly. "I will."

Rush disappeared into the darkness. I went back into New Haven to call and give Leif the head's up that another leech was on his way.

* * * * *

Newly empty of all vampires, New Haven went back to the state of frenzied preparation it had been in before Vienne had come and announced that she was going to start turning humans. I could understand the strategy of the idea, but the only thing that made me feel better was the haunting hollowness I had seen in her eyes after she had turned Marcel. She had looked sad, as if she was grieving him.

I didn't want her to suffer, but I was glad that she was not turning humans frivolously. She was different in so many ways from the other leeches, and I had plenty of time to consider her as I drove through the wilderness on a four-wheeler.

It was so much faster and easier than walking through the wilds like I had before, although it was far more conspicuous. Normally I would have rejected it, but time was of the essence. I had both guns and knives along, so I would hopefully be able to destroy any leeches if they found me.

My first stop was at Braydon's makeshift inn. I was not at all convinced that the nature reserves would hold once we were in full on conflict with the bloodsucking council, so this family would be in increasing danger. I had checked the registers of humans who had been brought into Vienne's territory since I had last seen them. None of their names had been recorded, so I decided it was worth trying to convince them myself.

I stopped and hid the machine about a half-hour walk from Braydon's. It was the middle of the day so there would be no bloodsuckers around, but it was still not worth the risk of drawing their attention. I jogged through the trees and shrubbery, until I spotted the clearing with the simple structure.

Without any fanfare, I pushed open the door. Lisa was standing with her husband, and she smiled widely when she saw me. "Jamie!"

"Lisa, Nelson. I'm looking for Braydon, is he around?"

"Yeah, he's out back with the horses."

"Perfect, thanks." I rushed out, the door swinging shut on the next thing that she was about to say.

Circling the house, I found Braydon exactly where his daughter had directed me. He was brushing out a horse's flank and I watched as he moved methodically around the animal. He looked up and his eyes widened. "Jamie, what are you doing back here, so soon?"

"I've got news," I said, "And a warning."

Braydon's brow furrowed. "A warning?"

I nodded. "There's a lot to explain, and I don't have much time, but there's a war coming in your direction."

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