Part 2: Chapter 16

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I sprawled out in my chair and glared at the human who looked like he was going to wet himself. He was a shaking mess, and normally, I might have felt just a bit bad about such terror, but I fully intended for these humans to be thoroughly chastised before I allowed them into their proper places.

It was hard to believe that Evan, wrapped in chains and looking anywhere but at me, had dared to participate in an attempted escape.

"And what were you thinking, Evan?" I asked with threat in my voice.

He whimpered. "I just wanted to get away. I'm so sorry, Mistress!" he wailed.

He was obviously sorry for even daring to exist in this dreadful world. I wanted to sigh. This human was no fun whatsoever. A slight breeze could send him into hysterics and I had no interest in playing with one who could barely even stand.

But, dealing with the instigators of the plot needed to be done, even if this particular one was a chore. At least I had begun with the most tedious so I could put him behind me.

"Be that as it may, I want to know who started the fire that damaged my things. If you tell me willingly, I'll go easy on you, even if it was you. Was it you, Evan?"

"No!" He probably would have crumbled if Jeffry was not keeping him upright.

He was probably telling the truth. I was sure there was still fire in this human, but there was probably some horrible trauma dampening it. I did not have time to play psychiatrist, so I decided then and there I would utilize him in one of the factories.

Perhaps living somewhere safe, surrounded by only other humans, would help him. As he was, he was near useless.

But first, I needed my answers. "So, who was it?"

His only answer was renewed trembling. It was surprising it was physically possible for him to increase his shaking. His terror in my presence was truly a bit flattering, a lovely reminder of my power. Still, I needed answers more than I needed to revel in my supremacy.

"Tell me," I said as I sat up and looked at him more directly. I decided to just be done with it. He was suffering and I was growing more bored by the second, so I infused my words with my ancient power. "Whose idea was it?"


"Hmmm. Really? And who set the fire?"


There was no way that this human could resist my control so his words were surely true.

I added a final command. "Don't tip off the others about the content of our little discussion, but do remember to tell them how terrifying it was. Feel free to embellish." The simplest way to torture a human was to let them handle it in their own imagination.

"Mistress." His voice was little better than a squeak.

"Take him back to his cell," I commanded Jeffry. He nodded and took the human out of the chamber, thankfully before he defiled my floor with his excrement.

Once they were gone, I considered whether to deal with another of them, but I decided it would be better to let them stew in their own anticipation of what I might do to them. Besides, it was late enough that it was almost time for me to help with training again, but I had just enough time to sneak down to the kitchen for another cup of coffee.

I smiled at my guards to accept their respectful nods as I walked by and down the halls, my mind fully on my next bloody coffee. It would get me through, but after training I would need to feed properly. Should I find a favourite or stick to the schedule? The eternal debate.

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