Part 1: Chapter 26

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The leech kept the car moving at a fast pace, hurtling forward through the darkness illuminated only by twin beams of light.

She was asking too many questions I was not going to answer, although at least she did not push me.

My family had not been rebels, although they had certainly had no interest in complying with the leeches who thought they ruled us. My young life with my family had consisted of survival and avoiding detection, until that last ultimate failure.

From time to time, I had brushed against people who might have been considered rebels by the leeches and I had learned from them what I could, information and technique, although I had always remained focused on my own quest.

It gave me pause. Maybe when I had taken him out, I could join with other free humans. I truly doubted there was an official rebellion, no matter how much I wished it were so. Humans lived on the edge of survival, there was no organization between the small groups that I was aware of, and littler hope that humans would rise up as a mass and throw off the chains of our oppressors.

She continued speaking and the only sound was the noise of the car engine otherwise breaking the silence. "Would you like to know more details of the strategy of how we ultimately defeated the overwhelming human armies?"

I would be stupid not to take information if she was offering it. "How?"

"We devised a wicked strategy. After battles certain vampires would go out onto the battlefield and look for survivors. Any humans who were injured would be drained of their blood and then turned into new vampires. Once the process had completed, new vampires were either permitted to enter our ranks if they were willing, or locked up to nearly starve if they were not. Most were not, to their own credit, although they probably would have been wiser to infiltrate our ranks if they did not agree with our plans. I suppose the change was too overwhelming for them to think clearly."

She continued, "Once the unwilling fledglings were starved to the point of madness, they would be released to attack the human armies. The destruction they wrought was truly terrifying. Many humans died and even some unfortunate vampires who got in their way. I know you hate vampires as a rule, but rational vampires are still typically a lot better than the insane monsters we turn into if we don't regularly feed. At a certain point, the craving for human blood is all that's left. That's one reason I feed so regularly."

There was an odd hollowness in her voice that I could not quite place. "One reason? Why else?" I asked.

"Because it's one of the best feelings in the world. I never experienced anything as good as a human. Mind you, I was quite sheltered so I did not experience much. I've more than made up for it since."

I did not ask anything further.

The leech lapsed into silence as well and we drove along like that for a period. It was not much more uncomfortable than I was in any other situation. I held little fear of leeches and I had been around this one long enough to understand that I did not constantly have to be vigilant around her. There was little risk to my life, only to my blood and my sanity.

Weirdly, driving along in this vehicle, with a leech who the other leeches believed owned me, I could let down my guard.

I was not going to willingly trade my freedom for this comfort, but in the moment it was not unpleasant.

She seemed to be finished with her explanations and that was fine. I filed away the information she had given along with other details I had learned of the leeches. I considered my plans as I watched the blackness outside. Get the info and get out, find the leech and destroy him, and then...

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