Part 1: Chapter 30

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After long moments of staring at that demon's face on the screen, I felt like I could finally breathe again.

I had hardly been able to believe it was there before me on the screen in the cramped little corner in the dimly lit room down in the leech's archives. It was him, a leech by the name of Jack, the malevolent dark eyes and the narrow face looking out arrogantly from the screen as if it of all beings had the right to steal the life of a human. Its lips were curled in a repulsive smirk as if the memories of every atrocity it had committed amused it.

Now there was a smirk that I was going to relish burning to ash in the sunlight.

I had committed every scrap of information about the disgusting bloodsucker to my memory. I knew everything that the council had recorded about it, the location of its lair, its habits, its history, the identity of its sire. I cross referenced the leeches it was recorded to be linked to. I knew its age, and a part of me was glad to discover the monster was only a half century older than me, since by my own leech's estimation it would be much easier for me to kill. All I needed now was to get out there and hunt it down.

Escape was not going to be easy, and doubly so if the leech found out that I had found my quarry. She would know that I would want to leave and would surely take steps to prevent me from getting away if she thought she needed to.

The best strategy in the moment would be to pretend that I had not yet discovered what I was looking for.

I remembered my previous conversation with Travis. He wanted to escape and so did I, so perhaps we could work together to break our way out of here. I recalled Mark; he might be willing to help as well. I would have to feel him out and see if he would want to try his luck. Neither of them were yet branded so time was of the essence if they wanted to avoid that pitfall.

I had slept well with the satisfaction of having taken a huge step towards my goal and woke with impatient expectations for the day. I went through my usual routine, ate breakfast, fitness training, and then I retreated to the computer archives as if I had not already found Melissa's killer.

One quick read through of Jack's entry was all I allowed myself before I quickly started going through the other entries again. I spent the morning going through them alphabetically one by one.

It was a relief when noon came and I left to get myself some lunch. The sky was again cloudless, so I carried my tray outside and sat in my usual place and sat facing out to see what all the other humans were doing, most specifically looking for either Travis or Mark.

Unfortunately, neither of the newer slaves was anywhere within sight so I settled in to eat, watching as people walked by. Few of them paid any attention to me, and I was perfectly happy to have it so. The more people overlooked me, the more I might be able to find my opportunity.

Surreptitiously, I eyed the guards visible far off on the wall. They were at attention as always, I supposed that fear of the leech's wrath probably kept them from nodding off too much.

"Hey," one of my least favourite humans called as he sat down on the bench a short distance away from me. I could not be so fortunate that he might be talking to someone else. I frowned at the intrusion.

"Nice weather, Little Human. What are you doing out here?"

"Eating, Agro. It's not that difficult to puzzle out."

"Eating, watching the guards, same thing."

"If you say so." I shrugged.

"I know what you're doing. You're acting suspicious."

"I'd be surprised if you know anything," I said, taking a bite like he was not even there beside me. "I'm pretty sure the bloodsucker is controlling your mind, and I don't blame her, because it seems like it would be so easy. Hell, maybe she compels you without even trying."

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