Part 1: Chapter 36

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I slammed my fist into the side of Ian's jaw, and he fell to the ground, seemingly unconscious. The other guard grabbed my arms from behind and tried to restrain me, but I put my boot against the wall and used it as leverage to push both of us backwards. He tried to regain his footing, but he fell to the ground with my weight slamming on top of him and knocking the air from his lungs.

The force of the landing also caused him to release his grip just enough that I broke out of it and scrambled away. He went to get up, but I was already on my feet and I had no time for honourable rules, I kicked him in the face and he fell backwards.

I wasted no more time as I dashed through the gate and into the guardhouse.


I swore. Of course, she was standing there in the shadows, like the stalking predator she was. She was wearing what I had seen her wear out in the daylight before, but her sunglasses were pushed up onto the top of her head leaving her eyes free to pierce me, a closed parasol swinging from her left hand.

How she had managed to make if all the way from her lair to the external walls during the day, I had no idea, but nothing the monster ever did really surprised me.

I eyed the exit, so close, but I would not be fast enough to get there.

I swore again. I was never going to escape from the leech, at least not while alive. Her little demonstration had shown that well enough. Desperation welled up inside me like a living thing that threatened to consume me alive, much as I imagined the leech wanted to do.

My hatred for her burned as bright as it ever had. She stole my freedom in every way she possibly could, chains, collars, brands, walls, guards. She ever stood in my way, and this time was no different.

I wished that I had risked stealing a weapon, but it was too late now, and even if I had a knife, what could I do against her but what she allowed me to do? Agonizingly helpless frustration was the only answer to my predicament.

"Leaving so soon?" she asked, cocking her head as if curious.

"Nah, just had a burning desire to check out the guard house."

She smiled at my lie. I watched her move sinuously forward. "You want to leave that badly?"

"You know I do."

She nodded. "I know you found the one you've been seeking, Jamie."

I started. "How?"

"Theo just looked at your patterns and the conclusion was obvious. You looked at Jack's entry dozens of times, and every vampire mentioned on his entry more than once."

I did not argue and I kept my eye on her as she moved gracefully forward.

She continued, softly, "You might be able to take him out, Jamie, but you have no chance against his sire, who he still resides with. Ivan's ancient, older than me. I don't even think I could take him out on my own." She laughed, lightly.

"I don't need to take him out, I only need to avoid him." I frowned.

"Do you really think Ivan won't hunt down the one who killed his fledging? You'll die."

"Only if he finds out it's me."

"It's a foolish risk," she said, staring into my eyes, her soft brown eyes bloody in the indirect light of the sun. "One I cannot allow you to take."

"It's not your right to decide that," I said, trying to keep myself calm.

"You know I can stop you," she said simply.

The Vampire & the Rebel (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora