Part 2: Chapter 1

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My feet pounded the ground as I rushed into the familiar wilderness and away from the leech's fortress, running with as much speed as I could muster. I could pace myself once I put more distance between myself and her toadies. She was down for the count, but these humans would not be as pleased with the attack on their bloodsucking master as others had been, even the others with their half-hearted defences. The bright sun would do nothing to help me against them.

The area surrounding the leech's domain was mostly stretched out in large fields with shrubs and copses of trees breaking up the open spaces, so I tried to keep myself hidden behind the larger barriers to make following me more difficult.

Travis had chosen the time for his diversion well. Even if I had not stabbed her, the leech would have had difficulty following us for a few hours. Her humans would pursue, but I had a fighting chance against them, and they would, if everything worked out, have to split their attention in several directions, although I had no doubt I would be their focus after my altercation with her.

My breath came out in sharp pants and I forced myself to regulate my breathing to help me make as much distance as possible. My bag of pilfered supplies bounced along on my back and I tried to keep my mind on the task at hand and not on the image burned into my mind of the leech looking helpless and defeated as she crumpled to the ground.

I did not let myself focus on the sick and unpleasant feeling that had settled in my gut, so unlike the triumphant satisfaction that had filled me the previous times I had taken leeches out. It was like everything else to do with her, I was conflicted.

Really, I could not even be sure that staking was enough to stop her. She had spoken as if it was not, although I could hardly be certain about anything that came out of the leech's mouth. It was possible that she might just survive and come after me, which meant that I needed to gain as much distance as possible. Perhaps I would be wiser not to go straight to any of the cranky old man's hideouts, but instead just get as far as I could get and lie low and scrape by for a while. I had enough food to last me easily for a week if I stretched it, and with foraging and hunting it could go a lot longer than that.

Since she knew my target, she would be aware of my ultimate destination, which meant if she really wanted to get me back, she could try to waylay me there. Waiting was probably my best bet.

If she survived.

* * * * *

Once I'd probably gone far enough to lose any direct pursuit, I slowed my pace so that I would be able to keep running for longer and to do what I could to minimize my trail. I did not stop, but I did grab a couple of bitter edible plants I spotted and chewed them on the go. My plans were simple when they finally solidified as I pushed forward. I would continue on as far as I could get today, while obscuring my trail as much as possible and then find a place to rest and repeat.

In spite of everything, the feeling of being free again was wonderful. Going where I decided with no chains or collars or spies following me with their eyes was a feeling I would never get enough of. Isolation was a familiar friend and I welcomed the reunion.

I would have to deal with the damn brand eventually, but that was a problem for when I was sure that I was free and clear.

The sun trailed higher in the sky, ensuring that I was safe from bloodsuckers for hours, even if the humans pursued. I grabbed a good sturdy stick that I could later sharpen into a decent weapon. I again wished that I had risked stealing a knife, but if I had, would I have been out here now?

It did not matter; I would trade everything I carried and even the clothing on my back for this. I had lost the supplies I had when I had been first taken to the slave cages, but I could recoup. Like always, letting go of what was lost and moving forward was the key to success. I would cautiously return to the last place I stayed and see if anything was still there.

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