Part 1: Chapter 14

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I pounded my fists against the punching bag, the gloves I wore barely protecting my hands from the force. There was something in the rhythmic sound that soothed me.

The only thing that might have been more soothing would be doing this to a leech, but sadly they never stood still long enough to take it.

Every time I threw my arm forward towards the bag, the skin on my chest under the taped gauze ached and pulled, a tactile reminder of the injustice of the world in which we inhabited.

"Is that good for your wound?"

The leech had snuck up on me, her voice breaking through the beat of my hits. I did not react, but kept up my assault on the bag as if I had not been surprised by her sudden presence.

"Well, it's your body," she said, her voice coming closer.

"Is it?"

"That's a good question. Can vampires truly own human beings simply through an exchange of funds? I had not realized I had purchased a philosopher."

I clenched my teeth and unleashed another round on the punching bag.

She moved over and hopped up to perch sideways on the seat of an exercise bike and began to watch me.

"I don't know why I don't come here more often. I usually avoid the scent, but there are perks to being present, I see. Perhaps I should even exercise, myself, from time to time."

One of the best things about the gym was that the leech never came down here. Hopefully she did not ruin that aspect of it.

"I'm told you're in excellent shape," she commented, "Although it seems rather apparent to me without the need of expert opinions."

"All the better to stake bloodsuckers."

She chuckled, her amusement grating. "Any bloodsuckers in particular you want to start with?"

"Oh, one or two."

"Perhaps, if I could trust you, you could join my guard and the opportunity to stake a bloodsucker might potentially come up from time to time."

"No thanks."

"Why not? You'd clearly be good at it. You're strong and nearly fearless."

"You're not stupid enough to trust me, Bloodsucker."

She smiled again. "I daresay; that almost sounded like a compliment."

"You wish."


She stood up and moved closer, hips swinging. She grasped the bag and stabilized it on the other side. I kept punching.

Unfortunately, she did not stop talking. "I think, regardless of your trustworthiness, I shall have you begin guard's training. If you're feeling up to it," she said.

"Why would you let me?"

"Oh, I don't know. I suppose if you do become my faithful slave at some point, I would be most disappointed to have wasted any precious time with you. You're not getting any younger, human."

"Neither are you."

She laughed at me. "True, but I am largely unaffected. I still look exactly like the nineteen-year-old I once was." She met my eyes. "How old are you, Jamie?"


She nodded. "So young, but not so young. You've done a lot in those few years, haven't you?"


"So tell me, Jamie, how many bloodsuckers have you managed to stake so far?"


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