Part 2: Chapter 21

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Connor had greying dark blond hair and a face carved with lines of the stress he had endured throughout his life. I found I liked the older man and his practicality reminded me in some ways of Hadron. The difference was that talking with him increased my belief that they might actually manage what they were trying to accomplish, since he had a gift for breaking the situation down into pieces that seemed somehow achievable.

She was quiet for a long time while we talked, but it seemed she had enough of quietly listening.

"Well, Connor, I'll send Jamie back to you after I've finished giving him my little tour," she promised. "But I'm not particularly interested in waiting to continue until the sun will burn me to ash."

"Apologies. Of course, Vienne," Connor said. "When you're done, Jamie, we'll show you the ropes."

She smiled her usual satisfied smile and looked at me. "There's still more to see before we're done."

* * * * *

She enjoyed showing me around New Haven, and with every new person she introduced me to, she managed to somehow work in a reference to how I had staked her. She had told me to forget my guilt, but there was a small part of me that still regretted it what I did to her, and I had been an utter fool in the face of what I was now seeing.

It was impossible to miss the reactions at the reminder of what I had done. Unknowingly, I had almost harmed this rebellion, and while it was her fault I did not know what I was doing, the feeling was sour and unpleasant.

Watching her interact with the humans here, all of who were in on the secrets, it was obvious that she had earned their respect and gratitude. Even the humans who were not in the know seemed to generally appreciate her protection, but these people were truly devoted, even if they could not all entirely avoid their wariness at the nearness of a bloodsucker.

And they obviously also did not approve of my attempted escape.

"He actually managed to stake two of Ivan's fledglings, an impressive feat indeed. Not as impressive as staking me, of course, but still very good. Thanks to Jamie there're quite a few less vampires we're going to have to deal with later."

She turned to me, looking as amused as ever. "Well, the sun's almost up. We need to keep moving."

Once we were out of earshot, I said, "I can't tell if you're trying to help me or get me killed."

She grinned. "By simple process of elimination you can tell I must be trying to help you, because I believe I've made my preference for your continued existence clear."

"Have you?" There probably wasn't a human in this compound today who had not been reminded of what I had done to her, and it was still before dawn.

"Of course I want you to live. You're a very aesthetically pleasing male, are you not?"

I wasn't going to let her get going with her games again. "Don't even start that again, Leech."

Her eyes widened a bit before a smile crossed her face. "Even when Leif nags me, he couches his words in terms of suggestions and advice. Never does he simply order me what to do. But you dare?"

"You said yourself you'd at least try not to play your games."

"Fair point." She gazed at me with a wide-eyed expression of what had to be fake innocence. "Don't you want me to find you attractive, Jamie?"

What was I supposed to say to that? She had messed up my mind so much I had no idea what I actually wanted from her. Everything else was clear, but she was a muddled mass of contradictions, a beautiful and charming leech.

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