Chapter twenty two

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Harry's POV
"Hey guys I'm going into the car because today we are going baby shopping because this nursery needs finishing before Dior kills me," I speak to the camera vlogging for Dior's channel. Yep, you heard right Dior's started a YouTube channel. It's mostly about her becoming a mum and boring shit like that. I'm on my way to the car park on my own because D's still on bed rest but we need this baby shit finishing.

"So I feel fucking stupid talking to the camera on my own I'm going to call Josh to come and help me I don't know what to fucking do, Dior's given me a list of shit I need with pictures but she still thinks I'm that incompetent she's making Freya come aswell," I rant to the camera making my way to Josh's and Freya's in the car.

"Hey, dad," Josh greets me as he hops in the front of the car and Freya climbs into the back, "hey, not yet hopefully," I warn him we all chuckle.

"So what do you need," Josh asks vlogging for me in the passenger seat reading out D's list. "A nappy bag, shit to go in the nappy bag, a pram, baby swing and more bottles, oooo and a Moses basket, they always look so bloody comfy," he says getting way to excited.

"I can't believe you've left Dior alone she could pop soon," Freya scolds me, "I haven't she's with Cali and JJ, I think Ethan's heading over aswell later so she has plenty, and don't say that she's got another month yet hopefully," I inform her taking one hand off the wheel and nervously scratching the back of my neck.

"Your not ready are you?" Freya sympathies, "I don't know, like it's a whole person I'll be responsible for and I can't even look after myself so how the hell am I going to look after a tiny baby?" I stress.

"Your should've wrapped it up then," Josh jests, "haha very funny," sarcasm radiates my tone, "I'm just worried I won't be good enough I don't want D worrying about everything and doing all the work, I don't know the first thing about looking after a baby," I pull over into motherhood car park stopping the vehicle placing my head in my hands.

"Snap out of it!" Josh yells slapping me over the head, "what the fuck did you do that for you dick?" I demand, "first rule of parenting, no swearing," freya disciplines.

"You'll be fine, not even Dior knows what she's doing, she told me but they will teach you at the hospital they'll tell you everything you need to know about looking after that baby." Freya makes me feel better.

"Thank you, let's get this shit before the pregnant monster rips my dick off," I joke before making our way into the shop.

Dior's POV

"Have you thought of any names for her yet?" Cali wiggles her eyebrows at me, "yeah we have actually but your not going to find out," I stick my tongue out at her.

Cali, JJ and Ethan are sat on the rattan furniture on the rooftop terrace while I lay on a lounger still on "bed" rest, the doctors shouldn't care as long as I'm laying down and I'm more relaxed out here in the heat wave.

We are all in our swim suits as we've been tanning all day, they are about to head in the hot tub while I sulk on my lounger wishing I could go in too.

"Hey babe," I hear Harry yell from the entrance to the roof running childishly over to me laying down beside me on the double lounger.

"Hey did you get everything on the list?" I ask, "yep we just need you stuff for your hospital bag but we can get that tomorrow, isn't the doctor coming today to check on your condition?" He asks, "yeah, hopefully I don't need to be in bed rest if my blood pressure goes down," I cross my fingers.

"Hello, miss Martinez?" The doctor peers through the door seeing me and making his way over carrying his bag. Harry grips onto my hand.

"Let's have a look then," he speaks as he rubs gel on my belly before using the portable ultrasound concentrating on our baby on the screen.

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