Chapter five

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Dior's POV
I usually love hospitals. I know that sounds weird but here me out, usually I would have a minor infection or like a broken finger so hospitals are new and exciting, but when I'm laying in a hospital bed in excruciating pain my feelings towards hospitals are a bit different.

I woke up 5 minutes ago to Harry and Cali fussing over me, asking if I needed anything, I love seeing Harry like this, it shows he cares. I woke up to him holding my hand, it was slightly damp, implying that he'd been holding it for a while. I liked that.

In the past 5 minutes I've been awake, he has kissed me on the forehead 6 times in counting and he will never know how much it's helping me right now. The painkillers are slowly wearing off and each small kiss acts as it's own form of drug, comforting the pains in my ribs and all the bruises that I feel covering my legs.

"You look awful," Harry laughs as he rubs his thumb across my head. "Yeah, I feel it," I chuckle dimly. He looks at me with a concerning expression while lifting an eyebrow as if to say 'what's wrong?' "What happened to him?" I ask worried of what his response may be. "The police came and arrested him, they will probably want to speak to you when your feeling better." He replies.

So many thoughts fill my brain, what if he comes after me? He's going to be even angrier. "Hey, your safe. He can't get you." Harry reassures me practically reading my mind. I sent Cali and Ethan to the cafe to get us some hot drinks when really I just wanted a moment alone with Harry, who could blame me. "Thank you," I say, he moves closer in his chair next to my bed and moves his hand to the side of my face gripping it as his lips meet mine for the second time ever.

He places his unoccupied hand on my leg and I wince in pain, "I'm so sorry, fuck I'm such a dick. I'm sorry," he apologises repeatedly and the doctor walks into the dimly lit room.

I look at Harry and smile at him as to say 'I'm fine, stop worrying.' "You have taken recovery well, Dior. I've ran some tests and everything looks fine,I'll get you on some more painkillers then you should be fine to leave. If send you on your way with a prescription and instructions to clean your wounds twice a day for two weeks." He informs me.

I say thank you and nod as Cali and Ethan walk in holding four hot beverages, she looks to have just been crying so I squeeze her hand slightly to let her know I'm ok as the doctor injects the painkillers into my arm.

Two hours later I am discharged and wheeled out of the hospital to Harry's Range Rover, as the fresh air hits me a slight dizziness takes control over my body, thankfully I am sat down.

We make it back to my flat and Harry already has me laying on the couch under a blanket in some comfies while watching This Morning with Philip and Holly. My happy place. Cali had helped me dress as Harry wanted to be a gentleman for once, we had all decided that it would be best if Harry and Ethan moved in with us for a while just as I get better and before Max's trial.

It's now 7pm, we are all in our pjs cuddling our boys on the sofa in front of the fire watching Netflix. Everyone has a glass of wine apart from me as I can't drink while on my medication, but we are just about to order takeaway.

"What does everyone fancy?" Ethan asks while flicking through the takeaway menus I got out of the drawer. "Chinese?" Cali suggests. The boys pull a face as to be thinking about it. "No too salty, I am still a bit dehydrated," I say referring to my injury. "True, do you fancy pizza?" Harry asks. "Yeah, I could go for pizza," I say, we all agree and order a pizza each with some starters to share.

The food arrives and we move to the kitchen island and eat there, I take the ketchup out the fridge and squeeze a pool out on the pizza box. The boys look at me as if I had just got naked in front of them, Cali just carries on eating her pizza. "Ketchup?" The say in unison horrified at my decision to eat pizza with ketchup. "It cools it down," I say shrugging, "She has ketchup with everything, always has done." Cali responds.

"See it's normal," I reply gesturing towards Cali. "No I never said it was normal I just said you've always done it, even when we were little and she'd stay for tea at mine, my mum would hide the ketchup from her because she'd use it all." She says not helping my case.

"Well I think it's delicious," I say as Harry snakes his arm around my waist smiling at me.

We had all finished out pizzas and decided that it was time for bed, Harry and I said goodnight to Cali and Ethan as we went off to brush our teeth and to clean my wound. Harry cleaned it for me while I winced in pain, we then got in bed as he brought me closer to him.

"I've not been in here since the night we met," Harry says while we both lay flat on our backs looking at the ceiling with Harry's arm around my shoulder and mine around his waist. "I don't really remember," I giggle shyly. "I do, you looked so peaceful but at the same time so vulnerable and that day I promised myself that I would do everything to never see you hurt again. I felt like I had to protect you." He opens his heart up to me. "But I failed obviously, look at you," he says once again.

"You didn't fail, it wasn't your fault because if you would've offered to walk me home I would have just said no. I'm too independent, well I think I am at least." I say turning to face him and he turns also, locking eyes with me. All I want to do in this moment is too kiss him and make him know that it wasn't his fault.

So I do I kiss him so hard the feeling leaves his body, our hands all over each other with him being extra careful around my injuries. The moment is perfect, Harry's playlist is quietly playing on the tv and I am kissing my favourite man in the world until we hear the same unholy noises that we did that night at Harry's.

It's Cali and Ethan again at it like animals, me and Harry can't help but burst out laughing. This is where I thought Harry would say something very funny and inappropriate but he holds it in and pulls me closer to him and I rest my head on his chest. "Goodnight, darlin," he says with a kiss on my forehead, "Goodnight, Harold," I say as we both drift off to sleep.

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