Chapter fourteen

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Dior's POV

It's Saturday night and Harry and I are getting ready for the meal with mine and Cali's family, I can tell he's stressing out.

"You'll be fine babe," I tell him as he takes a lengthy sigh smiling back at me, "you look stunning, baby girl," he smiles proudly and we take a mirror selfie.

Dior's outfit

We arrive at the restaurant and everyone is already there we greet everyone and finish the meal, "Dior, can I get a picture with you two?" Leah asks referring to me and Harry

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We arrive at the restaurant and everyone is already there we greet everyone and finish the meal, "Dior, can I get a picture with you two?" Leah asks referring to me and Harry. "Sure," he says nervously and she holds her phone out and I put my lips to Harry's cheek holding under his chin.

"Got it?" I ask and she nods, "you can't show anyone this,ok?" I warm her and she nods again, she's a quiet girl. I pay and we go our separate ways apart from Cali, Ethan, Aaron and Kiera, Cali's older sister, we decide to all go clubbing again.

We get to the club and make our way over to our friends, I introduce Kiera to everyone and JJ seems to take a liking to her. "Hi I'm JJ," he tells her and she smiles back at him.
Skip to Monday morning

Leah's POV
It's break time at school and I'm itching to tell my friends that I met the sidemen, "what did you do this weekend?" My friend Chloe asks.

"Nothing," I tell her with a smile, "of course you did nothing because your boring, I don't know why we keep you in the group," she scoffs, "I'm not boring, I was with the sidemen this weekend!" I shout at her, "sure you were," she laughs along with the rest of my group, "look," I show her the picture we took in the restaurant, "my sister is going out with Harry," I tell her.

"Give me that," she snatches my phone out of my hand, "give it back," I tell her chasing after her. "Sent,I sent it to myself, now I can do whatever I want with it," she says handing my phone back to me, I check my Snapchat and she had put it on her story.

"Take it down, I wasn't supposed to tell anyone," I plead, "you should've thought about that," she grins.

The next day
Dior's POV

I'm at work minding my own business when my assistant walks in my office with a nervous look on her face, "what's wrong, Maisie?" I ask, "I think you should check the daily mail," she suggests and I type the site on my computer.

The headline 'YouTuber Harry Lewis and businesswoman Dior Martinez seen in a cozy photo' the picture is the one Leah took in the restaurant, I'm going to kill that girl.

I go to pick my phone up about to call Laura but Harry's contact pops up on my phone.

*incoming call from Harold🍃*
H- what the fuck Dior, you said she wouldn't post it!
D- who the fuck are you shouting at Harry, she had never with my ex's
H- well you knew she was a fan and you still let her keep the picture!
D- let her? you willingly got in it, she's a young girl who was probably trying to impress her friends
H- that's not a good enough excuse
D- excuse, Harry we are together now and have been for the past month, it's your problem that your so mad about this, are you embarrassed of me?
H- no of course I'm not embarrassed but I didn't want it to happen like this but your stupid sister had to go and run her mouth!
D- don't you dare call my sister stupid, fuck you Harry!
H- fuck you Dior!
*call ended*

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