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*2 years later*

Rey watched Padme and Ben play in the lake of Naboo as she laid on a blanket on the grass. The sun and breeze feeling great.  She smiled as she saw Padme smiling and having fun with her father.

Ben then picked her up and made is way towards Rey. He kissed her softly, "You look beautiful."

"Please, I look like a bloated whale," Rey said. It was slightly true. Rey was pregnant again with another girl. She was six months pregnant and she was completely healthy and didn't have to worry about a thing.

So many things have happened over the past two years. Rey and Ben got married, Padme said her first word, and her friends have been very much happy with their significant other they got together with.

Ben and Rey both decided to name their second daughter, Elaine. Rey had never been more happier and so was Ben. The two loved each other very much and there love never grew old, but it blossomed into something beautiful. Love, devotion, and a union.

Rose and Hux got together and had two kids. Ashley and Ander. Twins to be exact and they live in Naboo somewhere in the meadow.

Connix and Vicrul got together as well. There relationship had ups and downs but there was always a flame between the two and always got back together, and never stopped loving each other. Connix had a baby girl and Vicrul was over the rails happy and they named her Luna.

Finn and Poe, oof.. that was a relationship that will make you laugh until you couldn't breathe. Finn and Poe argued all the time over the littlest thing but they always knew that were joking and still loved each other.

Finn and Poe lived next Rey and Ben and the couple adopted four children. Abby, Marco, Chelsea, and Donovan. They loved those kids with all their hearts and happily raised them in their household.

As life went on, so did Ben and Rey. They had many adventures together and they were training their daughters the way of the force and taught them many, many things. 

Ben loved his daughters very much, and did anything for them. He spoiled them and protected them from anything that happened. 

Rey also loved her daughters as well. Even though Ben spoiled them, Rey taught her daughters not to be entitled but have a caring, good heart whenever it came to others. As well as have patience in life, and to be grateful for your life given.

As Ben and Rey grew old together.. their love never died, but it was cherished and happily lived on as a dyad. Two that are one..

Holy crap! The story is over! Man i'm going to really miss writing this book, special thanks too -v




Thank you guys so much for your support and I am so glad to have you guys as fellow friends, i loved reading your comments and love (you guys are hilarious haha) and also I would loved to say I am going to miss writing this book and having a good plot twist come out.

Anyways, sorry for the rant and I hope you guys have a great day!!❤️❤️

In a galaxy far, far, away,

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