Chapter 18

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*6 weeks later*

A month and a half passed, and things indeed got worse.

Rey was horribly sick and no one could really do anything. Supplies were nearly gone and transports have been bringing back so little. 

At now 7 in half months pregnant, Rey had been uncomfortable and in so much pain. Some days she would be freezing and the next she would be hotter than ever.

The girls have been helping as much as they can. It made them heartbroken knowing their friend was going through so much pain.

Rey was laying in her bed, on her side, as she groaned uncomfortable. Her hand was laying on her stomach as she tried to relax. Her fever made her cold, but she was too weak to move the sheets to cover herself.

Rey felt a hand rest on her forehead. She opened her eyes and saw Bronwyn, "How you feeling?" she asked, her voice soft.

"Terrible," was Rey's only response;

"Wants some water?" she asked.

Rey nodded her head as she lifted her head a little as she drank water. Once done, she laid back down. She basically had nothing to do, and she hated it. Rey felt like she should be out helping others, not laying around sick.. but she knew she had no choice.


Ben was in a meeting. As he sat there with everyone, every once in a while, a pain would come then go away.

Ben knew it was from Rey's side of the bond, and he didn't like it. He knew something was wrong. He couldn't do anything about it sadly.

"Supreme Leader even though your decisions have been odd.. they're reasonable," said one of his lieutenants.

Ben nodded his head, "I know, over time I have seen many familie being destroyed and torn apart. It made me think if any of us lost someone important in our lives," he thought about Rey and his unborn baby girl, "and I'm willing to change that for the greater good for the galaxy."

Some of his officers looked uneasy or sometimes shocked. They were still cautious with the new terms given to them by Ben.

Ben dismissed them and when they were gone, Ben got up himself and faced the window.

Fear dwelled in his heart. He wished he could be with Rey. Being able to hold her and care for her. Wishing he'd gone with her after killing Snoke. He was foolish enough to think she would join him.

He was confused and anxious. He wanted to try and make peace with other planets to ease his conscious, it did work a little, but not enough. He even thought about making a peace treaty with the Resistance, but he knew it was to soon. 

Even Hux gave him weird looks within meetings and could hear his rudeful thoughts, but Ben always shrugged it off.

Ben sighed as he made his way back to his quarters, hoping he can sleep. He hadn't been able to since Rey said there wouldn't be anymore connections until the baby is born.

But he'll try..

Hewo.. hope you liked it!! I know it's short and i apologize for that.. but maybe next chapter will be longer (tehe)? Ehh you never know.

In a galaxy far, far, away,

The Struggle with the Acceptance of Loveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن