Chapter 14

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When morning came, I heaved myself from my bed, suddenly aware of extra weight growing in my belly. 'How had I not noticed?'

Outside, the fighters were gathering around Finn and Poe, who were assigning duties for the day.

I stumbled past them and headed towards Leia's quarters. Pausing in the doorway, I called through, "Can I speak with you?"

"Is that Rey?" Leia's voice echoed from inside, " Come in!"

I made my way into the lightly light room, fighting my queasiness. Leia was sitting at her desk, looking through her old photos, "Are you ok?" she asked politely.

"I'm not feeling well," I told her, " May I be excused from patrols?"

She tilted her head, "Is it something you've eaten?"


"Of course your excused, but check into the medic station if it doesn't go away until noon."

"I just need some fresh air," I assure her, backing out of her quarters.

The camp was surrounded with forest life. The walls surrounding the camp was covered with overgrown plants, making it a perfect place to hide out at. The entrance was covered with gorse, making it almost impossible to see.

I headed for the camp entrance, seeking the solitude and peace of the forest.

Stut broke away from the knot of Resistance members and caught up with me as I neared the gorse tunnel, "Are you ok?"

"Fine," I didn't even look at him but kept walking. My cheeks burned. I couldn't believe I let Rose believe that he was the father.

Stut fell back and left me alone to squeeze through the tunnel. It pricked my sides as I walked through. I lifted my tunic and saw how swollen my stomach is getting.

I felt heavy and tired as I finally made it into the forest.

I sat at a rock and looked at my stomach. 'Were there really someone growing inside of me?' A rush of protectiveness surged through me and gently rubbed my stomach.

The sound of the first patrol made me stand up and jog into the cover of ferns. I kept going until the noise faded behind me. When I looked up, the trees were thinning, outlined against the sky. My feet had led me to the river. I was honest enough of myself that I wanted the reassurance of Ben. I wanted to share my news. 'But would he still be looking out for me?'

I padded down the smooth stone slope and sat at the water's edge. I was getting cold quick, the pre-winter breeze was kicking in.

Just then, that's when I felt the familiar rumble in the force. I looked around and finally saw him.

Slightly turned away from me, he seemed to be talking to someone before he nodded his head and looked at me, "It's been a while," He called, a little loud. A little distance between us.

"I-i need you.."

Hope flared in Ben's eyes. I winced, anticipating his disappointment with a pang. 'Did he really think I'd have amazing news?'

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