Chapter 19

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"Do you guys really have to go?" Rey asked Kat and Bronwyn.

They have missions to go find recruits and spy's for the Resistance.

"Yes, we're sorry we can't stay with you any longer," Kat said.

"We'll try and come back as soon as possible before the baby is born," Bronwyn added, trying to cheer up the mood.

Rey hummed back a response before they left. Four weeks had passed making Rey 8 months in a half pregnant. She was almost there.

Connix had been managing the supplies coming. It's so little though. She has been extremely busy that she can hardly help Rey back at the bunk.

The only person who could was Rose.

Rey didn't mind at all though, she loved her company. Rose was a wonderful friend. Helping her and everything. 

Even though Rey was still very sick, she has been able to sit up and once in a while, stand up. Rey still had a high fever, cough, and stuffy nose. She felt terrible and weak everywhere. Sometimes she'll have shallow breathing and have Rose watch sometimes when she falls asleep.

But the one thing that scared Rey the most was the baby. She was scared the disease would harm her baby girl. Even though the doctor said no, fear still stuck with her.

She groaned as another pain hit her like a rock and she called for Rose.

Rose was there quick, helping her sit up so it would be less painful.

Rey laid her hand at her stomach once the pain drifted away. She was tired and exhausted, just wanting out of this misery.

"Rey.. you should sleep," Rose said as she laid Rey back down. 

Even though she was uncomfortable and in pain, she did..


Rose hurried up and finished fixing the calcinator. It was early in the morning, so she took that opportunity to fix it before Rey awakened.

Rose gathered her tools and hurried back to the bunkroom. When she opened the door, she saw Rey standing up, looking out the window.

"Hi, why aren't you in bed?" Rose asked, a little concerned.

Rey gave a lazily smile, "I needed to stand up, my body was starting to cramp up,"

"Oh well, how do you feel?" Rose walked over to her, making sure if she would topple over, she would catch her in a second.

"Tired, but a little better.. not lightheaded as I used to be," she said, "Can we walked around a little? I have been in the bunkroom for so long.. I don't remember the last time I've seen other people and felt the sun on my skin.."

Rose hesitated a little before nodding her head, "Alright.. but just a little one ok?"

Rose then helped her walk to the door. As she went to grab a water bottle, Rey gripped her stomach and cried in agony as she used the wall to support herself, "Rose!" she yelled for her even though she was right there. She felt something trickle down her leg. 

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