Chapter 17

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*7 weeks later*

Rey laid herself down as she sunned herself outside. It felt amazing on her skin.

She was now six months pregnant. Her stomach was beautifully growing each day. Even though it was sometimes difficult to get around, Rey still felt amazing.

As Rey sunned herself, she heard someone walking towards her. She opened her eyes and saw Rose.

She smiled, "Hi!"

"Hi! Whatcha doin?" Rose asked as she sat next to her.

"Sunning myself, it feels amazing," Rey hummed. She sniffled, her nose has been stuffy, and her throat has been dry lately. She believed it was just allergies. Nothing serious.

"Well enjoy it while it lasts. Apparently in the a week or two, rain and storms will be coming soon," Rose said, "Also that's when usually everyone gets sick with one of the diseases out here. Mostly the ones that have been outside of the camp most."

"Oh.." was all Rey said. She had been outside multiple times.. especially when pregnant.

Rey got up and stretched, "I'm going back to the bunk," Rey said to Rose.

Rey then walked to the camp entrance. She hesitated to walk through, but she did. When she was up the ravine, she knew she couldn't go anymore. Slightly wimping and groaning, she sat down.

She coughed and sniffled as she called out through the the force, desperately, 'Ben? ..Ben?'

"Yes my love, I'm here," Rey got up and stumbled to him.

He came forward to her and helped her steady herself, "Rey? Are you alright?"

She nodded her head, "Yes, but I think this may be our last force connection until the baby is born."

Concern was all over his face as he cupped her face, "Oh.. alright. But are you ok? You look sick!"

Rey sniffled once more, "Yes, just allergies. Also I can't sneak out of camp anymore, it's to dangerous and-" pain coursed through her abdomen and stomach, "I gotta head back to camp," she turned to leave as she groaned in agony.

Ben was scared now, "Rey you gotta go back and rest. And if this is our last force connection.. please be careful."

He came forward and pressed a few loving kisses to her lips, "I'll always be with you.. I.. I lo-"

It was to late, the connection broke and Rey had to retreat back to camp. She sighed heavily and gripped her stomach as she walked back to camp. 

The wind was going crazy and Rey finally made it back. No one was outside when she entered the base and made her way to the bunk room.

When her bunkmates saw her, they jumped up and rushed to her, "Rey! Where were you? We were worried sick!" Kat said.

Rey coughed heavily as she sat down on her bed, "I was out on a walk."

Bronwyn kneeled in front of her and pressed her hand against Rey's forehead, "God Rey your burning up. You have a bad fever."

Rey groaned uncomfortably as she laid down.

"She probably picked up one of those diseases outside. I'll go get a medic!" Rose yelled as she bolted out the door.

"Most of our fighters are sick as well," Connix put in, "Let's hope she doesn't have a bad one."

Bronwyn nodded as she looked back at Rey, who's eyes were glazed and barely awake.


The medic walked out of the room finally after examining Rey's condition.

Kat walked up to him, "So, how is she?"

"Well she's stable for now, it'll get worse and worse but due to having very low resources there's nothing we can do.. it'll probably take forever for it to leave her system until we get medic supplies," the medic sighed, "were barely able to send transports now.."

"Will the baby be ok?"

The medic nodded his head, "Yes it will not affect the baby's health, but when it is born I will check it immediately, just in case."

"Ok, what can we do?" Rose asked.

"Just keep an eye on her, feed her daily, hydrate her a lot, make sure she rests, and please try and make sure to comfort her.. she's in a lot of pain," the medic then left.

The girls walked into the bunkroom together and looked at their sick friend. Asleep in her bed, she was. The girls soul's filled with distraught knowing what the next couple of weeks will be like...

Heyyyy I hope you enjoyed.. lmao ;')

In a galaxy far, far, away,

The Struggle with the Acceptance of LoveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ