Chapter 23

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"Death doesn't discriminate, Between the sinners and the saints, It takes and it takes and it takes" -Aaron Burr, Wait For it, Hamilton. Inspired by that quote for this chapter. I don't know why, I just did.


"Wake up," Rey kept her voice soft as she gently rubbed Padme's cheek, "Come on Padme.. wake up."

She did finally and when she started to fuss Rey calmed her down with the force. Padme looked up at Rey with big, hazel eyes.. round with wonder and curiosity. Rey wanted to look at her daughter one last time as she knelt forward and gave Padme a kiss to her forehead.

When Rey finally pulled herself away and started to pick up Padme, she started to fuss. Rey sighed, frustration pricking at her nerves, "Alright.. you can eat first."

Rey gave her as much milk as she wanted and burped her before changing her outfit into a nice, warm one. Rey then put on her boots, coat and then tied Padme to her chest.

She hurried out the back door once she was asleep and snuck towards the camp entrance, being careful not to draw attention to herself. She squeezed out of the tunnel. The air needle-sharp cold. Rey looked up at the sky and realized the clouds had cleared.

She hurried up the ravine as fast as she could, the blizzard scraping her face with bitter cold. She cursed under her breath every time the wind would whip rough against her face.

Once she was up the ravine, she looked up at the moon and thought Ben would be waiting for her soon. Rey struggled in the snow, it was deep to where she was struggling to put one foot in front of the other.

Her feet throbbed and her fingers were numb with cold as she made her way through the forest. Every few minutes she would check on Padme and and make sure she was tucked deep against her chest, warm and safe from the bitter cold.

She was halfway there to where Rey began to shiver and her eyes glazed with exhaustion as she sat down on a rock. 'I have to keep going.' She told herself and forcefully got herself up and trampled over the snow.

As she made it to the river she sat down near a tree as the blizzard blew around her. She curled herself up as much as she can for warmth as she looked down at Padme and smiled sadly to her, "I will love you forever, my precious child. Thank you for spending these 19 days with me.." she whispered.


Rey looked up and saw Ben standing in front of her. Rey stood up and walked to him. Gently untying Padme from her chest.

"Is she ok?" Ben asked.

Rey nodded without looking at him. His scent wreathed around her, warm and comforting. For a fleeting moment, Rey longed to go with him. She wanted to walk the rest of her days at Ben's side. Never have to leave him or Padme.

But she couldn't..

Rey's hands trembled as she handed her to Ben, Padme's warm body that used to lay at her chest, now vanishing into cold slowly. Her throat grew tight. She began to back away. 'I can't say goodbye to her!' she thought, "Please take care of her."

"I will," he said, sincere in his eyes.

Rey stumbled backwards, but didn't fall. She didn't want to take her eyes off of Padme as she walked farther and farther away. Padme started to fidget and cry, knowing Rey's not there next to her.

Unable to bear her desperate cries anymore, Rey turned and fled into the trees. 

She limped back to camp on throbbing, stumbling feet. There was one more thing she had to do. She slipped into camp and used the force to break a hole in the wall that surrounded the camp and opened one of her own windows and used a knife to create scratch marks on the window and all around it.

Then she quickly changed into her sleep wear, put her hair down, cried until her face was flustered red, and opened the main door to her quarters and loudly called an alarm to the Resistance.

"My baby! My baby is gone!"

Yup.. we're very close to ending this story (i think) hope u enjoyed! (even tho its sad)

In a galaxy far, far, away,

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