Chapter 11

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Laughter filled the air as the siblings and Rey were walking down the hall together.

Two days had passed and Rey has been feeling.. different. Unsure she is about it, but has been keeping to herself. She didn't know if it's good or bad, but she does everything to ignore it.

Stut has been more cautious lately, like's waiting for something to happen, Kat and Bronwyn too.

"Are you guys ok? You've been acting strange lately," Rey finally asked.

They exchanged glances with one another before they sighed, "Rey we-"

Alarms went off. Troopers ran in different directions.

"The Resistance is here, were under attack! I repeat! The Resistance is here, were under attack!" The person over the coms yelled.

"Rey come with us now!" Kat yelled.


Ben stood up as soon the alarms went off. Cold shivers ran down his spine once he realized it was the Resistance.

He knew why they were here.. 


Ben ran out of the meeting room and immediately barked orders for more troops. He couldn't bare the thought of losing her. He'll be lost without her, and he knew it as well.

'Rey?!' he called through the force, 'Rey!?'

'I'm here! I'm ok, I'm with Kat and the others.'

'Where are you?'

'I'm not sure, but Kat says were heading towards the escape pods!'

'Escape pods? No Kat is a lieutenant she knows damn well not to go- no.. No!' Ben thought to himself. They were fleeing towards the Resistance!

Ben quickly started to run faster towards the opposite side of the ship.


Rey was quickly getting tired. She was getting dizzy.

'Whats wrong with me?' she wondered.

"Rey around this corner!" Kat yelled.

The siblings turned the corner first before she did. She realized they stopped afterwards, "Guys what's.. wrong."

She trailed off once she saw Poe, Finn, and other Resistance members waiting for them.

"Rey!" They both yelled before they hugged her, "We were worried about you!"

"I'm ok, I'm ok!"

"We better leave now before stormtroopers start coming! Were barely holding them off," Bronwyn says.

"Wait you guys are with the Resistance?" Rey asked, shocked.

They looked down sadly, "Yes.."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"We- we couldn't r-risk it," Stut says.

Rey turned her head to Kat, tears forming in her eyes as she lowered her voice, only enough for them to hear, "I can't leave Ben.. we can't."

Kat shook her head, "We can't.. only you."

Rey shook her head, "No! Please-!" she tried to scream but Bronwyn stunned her. Rey's vision went black as she fell to the ground. Stut gently picked her up as blasters fired towards them.

Ben and the troopers were hauling towards them. He ran as fast as he could towards them. He couldn't lose her, but it was to late..

The doors to the pod shut and flew off. He slowed down and dropped to his knees as he put his head in his hands, "No.." he sobbed silently.

Soooo.. sorry if i kind of hurt you in this chapter.. alright-!

In a galaxy far, far, away,

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