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Grace's POV

*1 year later*

I lifted James from his crib and went downstairs to find my mate knocked out on the couch with his laptop on his laps.

I went up to him and kissed his forehead earning a smile with a good morning from him.

Grace burst through the front door screaming good morning shortly after.

"Hey" her mate was at the back of her as she came into my house.

"What's up?" I asked handing her mate the baby who was already looking at him.

I don't know what it was but James like Grace's mate.

"So mom and dad visited yesterday and they were happy for me and asked me to come home but I said no obviously" she said looking over at her mate who was playing with James.

"I hate those people ugh" I went to the kitchen and started making coffee for everyone.

"I'm gonna wash up" James kissed my cheek and went upstairs.

We've been getting attacked lately and I can see his stressing out and barely getting any sleep.

"He looks so tired" Grace said.

"Cause he is" I responded whilst pouring coffee into a cup and handing it to her.

"Steward coffee?" I asked her mate.

"Yes please" he responded.

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