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Grace's POV

I looked at the two women then the three men who all had white hair and golden eyes much like my mother.

"We are cutting to the chance boy. She is dangerous and should be caged therefore you will drink  this and you won't have her as your mate that is also our final decision" she spoke to him with a small bottle in her hand.

James stood up shoving his chair in her direction in which she tripped away to avoid getting hit. "Attacking an elder is a serious crime but I'm being nice so I won't take it seriously"

"She isn't dangerous since she hasn't hurt anyone" he was angry and even I was scared at this point.

"She just attack the alpha" a man spoke.

"Is that what he said to you? That out of the blue just like that she attacked him?" He asked them.

"Drink this" the woman grabbed his hand roughly and placed the glass bottle into his palm which he squeezed and broke the glass.

James' hair turned red and his eyes glowed gold. What the hell!?!

My father's voice filled my head "No matter if your mate is taken away when he protects you his hair will turn red and only you can stop him"

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