Disney Jr

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Jo Pov
"It's time Jo!" Mer says enthusiastically and I freeze. "Oh crap" I say ans get worried. I start to slightly shake. "WHY DO I ALWAYS SHAKE AT THE WORDT MOMENTS!" I shout and get really anxious. Mer comes running up to me and i can't talk, i'm not crying but I can't breath. "Jo, use your words, what's wrong?" Meredith asks and is very worried. "I-I-I can't talk" I say breath and Mer grabs me a water. "He's G-g-onna leave me" I say. "Jo" Meredith sighs and then puts an arm on my back. "You two have been together for years with no break, just a perfect smooth sailing relationship. He loves you, you love him, and you're finally happy. He won't leave you. And if he did let's be honest he would be nice about it and not abandon you with a letter" Meredith says. "G thanks" I say laughing at the part about the letter but I'm also really thankful for her helping me. "Now are you ready to walk down the aisle, because you look hot as fuck" Amelia says coming behind and I laugh. "Yes I'm ready."

Jackson pov
"Are you ready?" Owen asked. "yes" I say and I leave the room i'm getting ready in. All of us have to lineup outside of the entrance way to the alter. Jo and I decided that we should have an out door wedding since neither of us were religious. The first person to walk out was all the groomsmen. Richard, Owen, and bailey (as a jr groomsmen) all walked down the aisle. Followed by Link, my best man. It was my turn to walk down the aisle with my mom. She comes over to me. "Watch your hair here let me fix it" she says and i bop her hand. "Hey this is my wedding stop touching me and let's walk down that aisle!" I say and she laughs at me. We walk down the aisle and I can't believe it. I'm about to marry the love of my life.
   The next people to walk down are the bridesmaids. Amelia, Arizona, walk out individually followed by Zola and Sofia (as Jr Bridesmaids)  they all look so pretty. Jo did a really good job with the dresses. Next I see my two little girls walk out, Amelia and Harriet. They are both flower girls and look adorable. They're dressed are perfect and I can tell that Jo picked out the flowers to math their dress.
   Next it's Jo's turn to walk out. She's being escorted by Mer, her maid of honor. Jo and I had a deep conversation about who should walk her out or if anyone at all should walk her out. Jo decided that after every thing that she's been through these past few years, Mer has been there for her. I hear the music change to the song Jo walls out to. I see her walk down the aisle and I am speechless. She looks gorgeous. I-I don't even know what to do with myself. She's so pretty. Bailey walks up to the alter since she is the efficient. We decided that was a good idea because she was a major influence on both our lives and careers.
    a few minutes later
    "You may kiss" Bailey tells us. I grab Jo and we kiss. "hi husband" she whispers so only I can hear and I smile. "hi wife" I say back to her and we kiss one more time.

After the wedding:
   Jo Pov
   Today was the best day of my life. I'm married. Today was so fun but I barley got to hang out with my kids which made me so sad. All day it was "congratulations you two" and not "hey kids wanna eat waffles?". Everyone left the party and I walk over to Jackson who looks exhausted. "Long day?" I ask. "Long day" He repeats. "Is it bad that after all of this all I wanna do is shower, put on pjs, and watch Disney Jr with me kids?" I ask. "No that's all I wanna do too" He says and gives me a kiss. "How about we spend the night and tomorrow with our kids, I'll push back the hotel reservations and we'll just start our honeymoon tomorrow night?" He suggests. "I've never loved you more" I say and give him a kiss.
   Jackson and I walk over to Link who has 2 sleeping children on him, that just so happen to be Harriet and Amelia(baby amelia). I look over at Amelia (shepherd) and she had scout asleep on her. "We're gonna take our children" I say. "What? don't you have a plane to catch?" Link asks. "Yes but we're gonna push it to tomorrow, we wanna watch Disney Jr." Jackson says and I smile.
   As Jackson and I arrive home our kids have woken up from the car. For some reason neither of them have ever been able to sleep in a car. It's weird, Amelia should be able to, it's in her blood. The kids go sit on the couch and I shower. I put on pjs and join them on the couch with Jackson. "Mama, can we watch Disney Jr?" Asks Amelia and Jackson looks at me and smiles because she said that. "Yes, of course we can" I smile and we all fall asleep on the couch.

5 years later
(nobody's pov)
Jo snd Jackson now have a new big house with a nice backyard. Harriet has found a love for volleyball and Amelia loves to dance. Their 3rd child, Mark, is 4 years old and he likes to eat mac and cheese and give his siblings headaches. Jackson and Jo are very happy and Jo is now Chief of OB(idk if that's a thing but it sounds cool so yeah) Jo is in the running for a Harper Avery because she invented a new surgery to save 99% of babies who are born early. Jackson now is the top plastics surgeon in the world.

—————————————————————————hey guys! this is the last part! I'm sorry but I didn't know where else to go with the characters. I honestly think the ending is the worst chapter i've written so i'm sorry if you don't like it. Thank you all for reading this story and loving it! It's my first story so I appreciate all of the good feedback.

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