The pretty flowers and candles

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   Jo Pov
   "Ok Ok Ok, tell me everything." Arizona starts, but I'm not sure if I even know everything. "Ok so basically Jackson went to Mer's house and told me that Amelia and Harriet wanted to hang out but when he came back he was acting really weird. So me being me assumed that he was preparing to leave me or that he was cheating on me so we got into a big fight. But then he told me that he was at Mer's house because he was asking Mer for advice on how to ask to marry me!" I ramble really quickly. "Well did he specifically say 'jo will you marry me?" Arizona asked. "Yes but also no" I say. "umm what?" Arizona asked and I don't even know what to say. "he asked me what my 'thoughts' were on marrying him and I told him that i've thought about proposing to him before" I tell her and she looks confused and doesn't say anything. "Are you going to say anything!? I'm kinda freaking out here!" I say kinda loudly. "You're not engaged, but you're definitely going to be soon" Arizona tells me. "why are you so calm!?" I ask. "Because Jackson makes you happy, you live together with 2 kids and are in love, you're practically married anyway!" Arizona tells me and I smile. "thank you" I reply. "for what i literally did nothing?" she tells me and it makes me laugh. "I'm not sure but you said things that made me feel better" I tell her and we both laugh.

I check my phone and realized i'm being paged. "Oh crap I'm getting paged!" I look and see Arizona is too. "I'm not even on call! It must be important!" I say. "Here I'll drive us to the hospital" She tells me and we go downstairs. I see Callie is grabbing her bags and sofia is all dressed. "You got paged too?" I ask her and she nods. "And Sofia is coming with us" Callie tells me. "Isn't sofia old enough to be home alone?" I ask. "Yes, but after her lying to us about drinking I can't trust her so she's coming with us" Callie says and we all get it the car.

We arrive at the hospital and I decide to go in from a side door instead of the front door because it's closer to the attending lounge. I arrive at the attending a lounge and quickly start changing into my scrubs. As I'm changing I hear Maggie walk in. "Jo what are you doing in the lounge!?" She asked me all flustered and nervous. "I had to change into my scrubs! I'll go to the trama soon!" I tell her as I quickly throw my hair up and begin to walk out. "DONT go to the trama room!" She tells me very defensively. "Why? Trying to get all the good cases" I say laughing but she looks serious. "YOU'RE NEEDED IN THE INTERNS LOCKER ROOM!! LIKE NOW!!!!" maggie tells me and I'm so confused. I rush to to locker room because I'm worried that an intern may have gotten injured.

I get to the locker room and see that there is pathway of candles leading to where my locker used to be. I follow the pathway and see Jackson at my intern locker, with a flower in his hand and he's in a suite. "Jackson what's going on?" I ask laughing and he takes my hand and gives me the flower he was holding. This is the place I first met you. It was your first day as an intern, Alex and I came her to check out the 'baby chicks and ducks'. You were talking to steph asking her who her resident was." He said to me and I didn't even know what to say. I can't believe he remembered that. "I remember looking at you for the first time. I thought you were gorgeous. I didn't realize how much I talked to you during your intern year. Then I though you were 'my girlfriends best friend' because you would always invite me and Stephanie over. I guess then I didn't realize that you would be the women that I fall in love with." He tells me, I smiled, he kissed my check grabbed my hand and we walked to the lab.

As we're walking towards the lab I see more candles lighting up the lab and Meredith holding another one of the flowers that Jackson had in the locker room. Jackson walks up to mer grabs the next flower and hands me it. "This lab you helped me with my spray on skin research. You we're going through a rough time and Meredith sent me to check on you, that's why Meredith's here. I tried my hardest to get you to open up to me but you and your stubbornness wouldn't." He tells me and I laugh at him. "I remember" I tell him smiling and looking into his beautiful eyes. Jackson grabs my hands and takes me to an empty patient room.

As we walk into the empty patient room it's filled with candles just like the other room only Link is the person holding the flower. Jackson walks up to Link and grabs the flower then hands it to me. "This is the room I caught feelings for you." He says to me and I let out a slight chuckle. "How? It's just a basic patient room!" I say. "In this room you me and Link had a patient who swallowed a fish. The patient was a complete idiot and you didn't even try and hide the fact that he pissed you off. It was the funniest thing in the world." He tells me and I look up at his big gorgeous eyes. "How do you even remember this!?" I ask. "I remember a lot of details" He tells me with a smirk and then grabs my hand and we walk to the room where we look at scans. (sorry i have no idea what it's called lmao)

   We walked to the room with the scans and it also had candles, only the flower was resting on the desk instead of being held by someone. "And this is the room you asked me a question that changed my entire life! You asked for a bridge. Little did we know that something that we thought was as small as casual sex would turn into long-lasting love" He tells me ans hands me the flower from the desk. "I remember that right before you asking me for sex you did your first abdominal wall transplant and you did it amazingly! I kept zoning out during that surgery because i was just in awe of your beauty." He gives me a kiss, grabs my hand and we walk to the stairs.

   The stairs are covered in candles and the whole hospital is down at the bottom of the stairs. I see Meredith and Arizona with my kids. Harriet looks so excited and little Amelia is all dressed up. Callie, even Alex, Sofia, Link, Teddy, Owen, Levi, Nico, Helm, Maggie, Bailey, Webber, Winston, Carina and Deluca are all at the bottom of the main lobby stairs holding the pretty white flowers that I have been handed during each location. This is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I'm speechless and don't know what to do besides smile. At the top of the stairs is Amelia with a flower. Jackson walks me towards Amelia and she hands me a flower. "These stairs are where you had your surprise baby shower. That's why Amelia is up here with us because without her we probably wouldn't even have our baby amelia."  Jackson grabs my hand and walks me to the bottom of the stairs to meet up with everyone. Everyone surrounds us and Jackson gets down on one knee. "Jo we have been through so much together since you were an intern. All of the locations I brought you to today are important milestones of our work relationship, turned friendship, turned friends with benefits, turned parents, turned lovers." He says and I laugh at him. "We're one complicated relationship" I say jokingly and he repeated it. "We're one complicated relationship". "Jo when i promised you I would never leave you I meant it. And by sowing this it makes it official. Josephine Brooke Wilson, I love you. And I'm with you til the end of the line you wanna marry me?"
Hey Guys!! Sorry it took long to get this part out. I've been so unmotivated so I'm wrapping the story up. I know this chapter is long ans i'm sorry. I hope it makes sense!!!

Thank you for all the support so far on my story!! I was #1 in Jackson Avery the other day ans that's crazy!!! Thank you guys so much!


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