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   jo pov
"what are we" he says to me. I freeze. I'm scared to be in a relationship. I know I can't handle one, He's Mr.Can't Be Alone, how am i supposed to have a relationship. My head starts spinning and I don't know what to say. "I- Um- i don't" I grab my mask, put on shoes and run out the door. It was stupid of me to do that because I don't have my car with me. So I to the mall that's close to jackson's house and call and uber to come pick me up. The uber takes me to my loft and I start panicking. Thoughts start going threw my head. Jackson likes me. Jackson like ME. of all people. How can he like me? He dated steph. She was my best friend. I cant be with him. I really like him though. I grab my keys and decide to drive to the hospital since I no longer have covid and can actually go places. I don't have any clothes since there all at Jackson's but I always keep a pear of jeans and a sweatshirt in the hospital just in case. I decide to visit Mer. I haven't seen her in so long so I get so excited. I walk up to the covid recovery room and I see her. "MER" I shout. "YOU'RE AWAKE" "IM SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU" Mer motions for a hug and hears my phone going off. "Jo i know you miss me but whatever's going on in your phone must be important." she says. I check my phone and i have 12 missed calls from Jackson. I can't be with him so I ignore him. "Oh it's nothing, it's just Jackson" I say. "jackson?" she asks. "It's probably an emergency case then, you should go see if a patient is ok" she says. "No it's not, trust me" I say. "wow jo" Mer says. "wow what" I ask. "I never thought Jackson would be your type" she says to me. How on earth did Meredith already catch on. I freeze for a second. "how did- how do you- how did you figure out" I say stuttering. "Am i really that bad at hiding who I like" I complain. "so you like him" Mer says to me. Oh crap I said it out loud. I like him. "I like him" I say with a soft smile. I think I was having trouble admitting it to myself and that's why i freaked out. "well, he did date my sister....however I will support you because you need to be happy" she says and then pauses "does he make you happy?" she asks. "yea, he makes me happy" I say then smile. "good, and just letting you know if things get bad i'm on your side" Mer says. "You better be" I say and then we laugh. "I'm so happy you're back you have no idea." I say. "please fill me in on everything I missed" she tells me. "well i had covid and just got out of quarantine today so I don't know that much but I did get to do an abdominal wall transplant so that was fun..... It was supposed to be you but then you know the whole covid thingy" I say and she laughs. "ok i don't care about the surgery crap, tell me about how you and jackson happened, i need every detail" she says to me. "if i give you every detail it's a little to inappropriate" I say. "disgusting" she says to me. "all well basically I was horny and he was hot so i asked him for sex, he said yes so we had sex. And he is SO good.....he was better than alex not even gonna lie" I say. "really better than alex?" she says surprised. "when you and Alex first started dating and stayed at my house i could hear you threw the walls! and it sounded like he was great. I cant imagine what you and jackson sound like" she jokes. "ok so then Bailey caught us coming to work late because we were eating Chinese food so Bailey and Levi figured it out. Bailey did not seem very happy. But then at the end of that day I found out that me and Jackson both had covid so I had to quarantine for 2 weeks with him" i say and pause. "they weeds a pretty great 2 weeks" I say. "Jo you're disgusting" she says to me and I laugh. "ok then he told me he liked he and i ran out of the house and haven't talked to him since" Mer's eyes get wide for a second and she looks at the door. "welp, looks like you're gonna have to talk to him now" Mer say. I turn around and there Jackson is. I started getting dizzy and the last thing I remember is falling to the floor.

  Jackson pov
Today I asked Jo what we were because I couldn't hide my emotions any longer. I like her. Like really really like her. And I think she likes me so I'm not gonna waste time with her. I guess I freaked her out because she ran out the door. I immediately ran after her but she was already gone. I got really worried. I jumped in the car and I drove everywhere. Then I arrived at her loft. I must've just missed her because her car was no longer in the driveway. I then go to the hospital and I don't see her anywhere. I checked all the lounges and I don't know where she is. I started running but I accidentally bumped into Bailey. "Ah.... hello Bailey" I say. "no what are you doing" she says to me with an attitude. "well actually have you seen jo, i really need to talk to her and she won't answer my calls" I say really quickly. "do i look like I have the time of day to look around for the girl your sleeping with" Bailey says to me. "right sorry" i say and continue running. "no running" Bailey shouts down the hall. "Sorry" I shout but I continue running.
  I give up. I cant find her, she doesn't wanna answer my calls. I freaked her out. And i specifically didn't wanna freak her out. Then I remember Mer is awakened I decide to go check up on her. As I walk towards Mer's recovery room I hear a laugh that I could recognize from miles away. It's jo. I try and hear what there saying. "I like him" I hear jo say. I sigh with relief. I try and let them finish talking but I can't so I go in. "welp looks like you're gonna have to talk to him now" Mer says and Jo looks at me. She looks so out of place for a second and then she faints. "Oh my god" I say and rush up to her. I scoop her up with my arms and shout "WE NEED A GURNEY" "SOMONE HELP US PLEASE" I scream at the top of my lungs. A ton of doctors one rushing in but I don't let Jo out of my arms. I start to cry. "Jackson" Mer says but I ignore her. "JACKSON" she shouts. "IF YOU WANT HER TO BE BETTER YOU HAVE TO PUT HER DOWN SO PLEASE JACKSON PUT HER ON THAT GURNEY" she shouts. I place Jo on the gurney and see she has no pulse. "SHE HAS NO PULSE" I shout and I start doing chest compressions. The team that brought in the gurney pushes me out of the way and the wheel Jo away. I'm devastated I hope she's ok. "she's gonna be ok jackson" Mer says. "she's the strongest person I know" "she's been through hell and back she will pull through" Mer says and It calms me down just for a second.

Jovery, the love story Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ