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a few weeks later
    Jackson Pov
Jo slept at my house tonight and I woke up with her beside me. I love seeing her beside me. She looks so peaceful in her sleep. I crawl out of bed and give her a kiss on the forehead and then I walk downstairs. I start making myself coffee, and then I go sit on the couch to watch football. About an hour later I hear Jo walk down the stairs. "Hey sleepyhead" I joke as she comes downstairs with my big sweatshirt on and her hair in a messy bun. "Hey" she said with a sleepy voice. I look down and realize she's not wearing pants. "Are you- where are your pants?" I asked. "They don't fit....I'm too fat" She said. It made me laugh because Jo is one of the skinniest people I know and even though she was pregnant she was the opposite of fat. Jo then starts crying. "Why are you crying. Are you ok?" I ask. "Yeah it's just the STUPID FUCKING HORMONES! And I want coffee" Jo says while crying. It makes me laugh but I quickly go and make her coffee. "Wheres your good blanket?" Jo asks. That makes me smile because her first time sleeping over I have her that blanket, then she used it all through our quarantine and she uses it almost every night. "It's in the dryer" I said to her. "When will it be out?" she asks cutely. "In about 5 minutes" I reply. "And it will be warm because it just came out of the dryer" I add and it makes her smile. I bring her the coffee and I go sit on ten couch with her. She curls up next to me and It's so cute. I am loving pregnant Jo...sometimes. "What are we watching" She asks. "Football" I say. "Ugh gross" She says. "There's nothing wrong with football" I say. "Except for the fact that their feet never even touch the ball. The whole concepts stupid." Jo says and that actually makes sense.
   A few hours pass and I get a text from April. "Mathew and I have somewhere to be at 5 can you please take Harriet for tonight?" she asks. I have work at 5. Maybe Jo can watch her. I mean Jo is gonna be apart of her life soon they should bond. "Hey Jo?" I ask. "Yeah what's up." She says. "April just texted me asking if I can take Harriet but I have work. What are your thoughts on you watching her?" I ask. "I'm good with that if April is good with that" she says. "Ok thanks let me go text April. I pick up my phone and ask April if she's ok with that. "Sounds good👍🏻👍🏻" April replied. "Jo, Har is getting dropped off by April at around 4:30, I'll still be here because I don't have to leave until 4:45 but I wanted to let you know" I tell her. "Ok" she says. She's so cool about it and that makes me so happy.

   Jo pov
Oh crap! Oh crap! Oh crap! Jackson and April want me to watch Harriet. I mean Harriet is cute and all and she's going to be apart of my life once my baby is born but I'm not a mother yet. What if Harriet hates me. I tried to make it seem like I was cool with it with Jackson. Which I am cool with it but I'm just nervous. Jackson and I didn't even tell Harriet that she's going to be a big sister! I'm so nervous. Harriets coming in about an hour and I don't know what to do! Shes 5 so it shouldn't be that hard. I go upstairs to get dressed and I see Jackson there. "Hey I say. "What's wrong you look nervous" he says to me. "Nothings wrong" I say. What's wrong with me somethings obviously wrong. "Jo I know you enough to know that somethings wrong. So what's wrong" He asks me. "Ok well what if Harriet hates me? I don't even know what to do with a 5 year old. What does she like? Does she even know my name? Im not good with kids" I say so quickly. "Jo. Jo. It's going to be ok. She's going to love you. The few times she has met you she's loved you. And You're AMAZING with kids. I see the way you act with Zola, Bailey, Ellis, and scout and they all adore you" He says comforting me and grabbing my hands so they stop shaking. "Thank you" I whisper and kiss him on the lips. I go and get dressed when I hear a knock on the door. "Oh crap. It's them" I say. "Relax Jo. It's going to be ok" He says comforting me. April opens a the door and little Harriet runs right in. "Dada!!" She says and hugs Jackson. "Hi jo!!" She says to me and it makes me smile. "Hi guys! I have to get going but I'll pick her up around 5pm tomorrow Is that good?" April says to us. "That's perfect" Jackson says and we both say goodbye to April. "Jo!!Jo!!" Harriet says and I look down at her. "Can i pwease show you my room!" she says very hyper-ly. "Of course" I say and she take my hand and runs. "Be carful" Jackson shouts as we run up the stairs. "These are all my barbies" She says and shows me all of them. Jackson comes in and says goodbye to us and me and Harriet stay in her room.
   A few hours pass and Harriet starts to get hungry. "Do you like Mac and Cheese?" I ask because that's the only thing I know how to make. "Yes! Yes! I wuv mac and cheese!" She says to me and we go downstairs. She sits on the couch and I turn the stove on. "Harriet do you wanna watch Disney channel?" I ask her. "Can we watch Jesse!?" she asks. "If it's on we can!" I say to her. I turn the tv on while the pasta water boils and sure enough Jesse is on! The water is biking and I start making mac and cheese. When it's done I call Har to the Island to come eat. "Tank you jojo" She said to me. She called me jojo which made me laugh. The nicknames kids give are so funny to me. "You're welcome Harriet I say. As we're eating our mac and cheese Harriet tells me all about school and her friends. Suddenly I feel a pain in my belly. Oh no. Something is definitely wrong. I can feel it. Something is wrong.

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