Don't Leave, leave

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   Jackson pov
  Jo brought me to the attending lounge to ice my hand and I felt so bad for fighting Alex. Well I didn't feel that bad, he deserved it, but I felt more bad that Jo had to watch that happen. Jo I'm sorry I just can't believe that he would come back! If he truly loved you he would know the pain this would cause you!" I tell Jo and I'm still worked up from the fight. I can't believe Alex had the nerve to show up. "Hey! It's ok! I wanted to punch him too! But I must say you punching him in the face was way hotter than I would've made it look." Jo says and I laugh at her and kiss her. "I love you" I say to her. "I love you too."
   "What are we gonna do about Alex being here with his kids?" Jo asks me. "I'm gonna be honest I have no idea! And Izzie isn't here so I assumed he took his kids and left Izzie." I tell her. "Well at least we know one thing, he's amazing at leaving women" Jo says and I laugh. She then looks into my eyes "Never leave me ok?" she says and sounds so sad. "I promise you I will never leave you" I say to her and kiss her.
   A few minutes later the door slams open "JO YOUR NOT PREGNANT!" Mer shouts. "Oh thank God!" Jo gets up and goes to hug Mer. "Um what?" I ask. "Oh crap" says a voice in the hallway. I check and it was Amelia being nosy which makes Jo laugh. "Well....funny story" Jo starts awkwardly. "The other day when you said you didn't want another kid right now I thought I was pregnant, so I went to Mer's house and has a panic attack and then we came to work and got my blood work done" Jo blurts out so quickly. "So Zola didn't need you?" He asks. "No, but it was fun talking to her about boys" Jo says. "Zola is talking to boys!?" Mer asks and seems kinda mad. ""Jo says. "Are you kidding me now I have to go home and talk to Zola about sex!" Mer complained. "Mer come on! She's in 6th grade, she's not gonna have sex! And she's a genius who knows boundaries." Jo says and Mer signs. "Plus I already talked to her about sex and told her to never let a man manipulate her" Jo blurts out. "JO!" Mer says. "THATS MY JOB!" she complains. "Well zola thought you were gonna yell at her about boys so she talked to me." Jo says quietly. Whenever Jo and Mer talk it's so entertaining. I never know what's gonna come out of their mouths. But they did get off topic and I just wanted to know why Jo didn't feel comfortable telling me she though she was pregnant. "Ok you guys are getting way off topic. Mer I already know that when you were 12 you were talking to all the guys so don't judge Zola for doing the same! Now Jo! Why in earth were you not comfortable with me knowing that you thought you were pregnant!" I say to both of them and Mer gets quite because she knew I was right about her and Zola. Then Jo opens her mouth. "I was scared to tell you because I knew you didn't want another kid right now and I didn't want you to leave me!"Jo says. "Jo I've promised you hundreds of times that I would never leave you!" God I love Jo. I would never leave her in a billion years. I would Marry her right now if I could! "I know you promised but it still scares me!" Jo says. "First my mom left me! Then all my foster parents! The only foster siblings i've ever liked! My whole intern class...we'll one died so she gets an excuse. Then the only inter that stayed with me became my best friend but she had trama so she left me too. And then I went to go see my mom again and she pulled away from me! And finally to top it all of my husband leaves me!" I never realized how many people left Jo. I mean I knew how many but it didn't seem like that much until she listed everyone who's ever left her. I have no idea how anyone could ever leave her. All I do is go and hug Jo. We say no more. We just hug each other for a bit. We must've been there for a while because Met was gone by the time we finished our hug. "I'm never leaving you" I say and kiss her forehead as we break up the hug. "Only the forehead really?" Jo says and jumps on top of me.
   We start making out while I'm holding Jo up with one arm. I put her on the couch and she gets topless. Suddenly we hear the attending lounge door but we can't see who it is. "Oh crap" Jo whispers cand grabs her shirt. We turn around to see who it is and of's Alex. "Guys this door has a kick maybe you guys should use it" Alex says snakily and laughs at us. "Dude get out or I swear to g-" I say but then Jo cuts me off. "Jackson I got this" She says and she staRts going off. "Alex I have no idea what the fuck you're doing here but can you leave? Nobody wants you here! Like literally not one person! NOT EVEN MER! AND YOU TRY AND WALTZ YOUR ASS BACK IN HERE TO TRY AND WIN ME OVER! IT DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY! BAILEY DOESN'T WANT YOU HERE, MER DOESN'T WANT YOU HERE! I DONT WANT YOU HERE! JACKSON DOESN'T WANT YOU HERE! WEBBER DOESNT WANT YOU HERE! ARIZONA DOESNT WANT YOU HERE! NOW GO BACK TO YOUR PERFECT FARM HOUSE WITH HORSE GIRL IZZIE AND LEAVE" she screams at him. Wow. I'm gonna marry this girl. "Arizona's here?" he asks. "Oh you haven't talked to her for 3 years either? shocker!" Jo says sarcastically. "Well yes Arizona is here! She came her to help me when I was pregnant!" Jo snaps back. "How long ago were you pregnant?" he asks. "3 years ago" Jo says. "I left you 3 years ago..." Alex says. "Yes and what are you implying" Jo asks and she's just pissed off at this point. "Is- is the baby mine?" He asks. "Absolutely not! You think I didn't get hundreds of blood tests to make sure the baby wasn't yours! The baby is Jackson's! Jackson and I are i love! Not you and I! So please ALEX JUST LEAVE! I KNOW YOU'RE GOOD AT THAT" Jo says and Alex walks out. Jo looks defeated from this day. "Wanna go home? We can pickup Harriet from April's, get Amelia from daycare and just spend the rest of the night with them. I know Bailey will understand" I suggest to her and she nods and leans into my chest. "Thank you" she whispers and we walk towards the daycare.

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