Our lil guy kicking my organs around

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     Jo Pov
2 weeks later
  This morning i woke up in the loft with Jackson by my side. Surprisingly I woke up before him. I crawled out of bed and kissed him on his head. I walked to the kitchen and took my vitamins. I was so excited because today we get to tell Zola, Bailey, and Ellis about their soon to be cousin. I know they will be so excited about it, especially Zola. A few minutes later I see Jackson start to move around so I assume he's walking up. "Hey" he says we a sleepy voice. "Hi" I say. He gets out of bed and comes to join me in the kitchen. He kisses me on my forehead and goes and makes coffee. "Wan't one" he asked while rubbing his eyes and I nod. "I'm excited to tell Zola,
Bailey, and Ellis about the baby!" I say to him excited. "Me too, and I just know that Zola is gonna be so excited that she gets to be an older cousin again." He says to me. I like how he gets just as excited as me. He grabs our coffee and we go and sit on the couch. "So jo" He starts and I look at him. "When this baby comes do you want to maybe live with me?" He asks so cutely and his eyes sparkle. "I mean if not it's ok I just, We basically sleep at my house every night and when we're not there we're here so we pretty much already live together and It'll be easier for our lil guy that's kicking your organs around." He says to me. "I like that you said 'our lil guy that's kicking your organs around' instead of just our baby because if you said anything else it wouldn't have worked for your sentence." I say to him and laugh. "Shut up" He says to me while laughing. "so is that a yes?" he asks. "Of course" I say and he leans over and starts kissing me. "I have to shower before we go tell the kids" I say to him. "Well I guess I have to join you." He whispered in my ear and grabbed my hand. We walked into the shower and he pinned me against the wall. And we did some VERY dirty things until we had to get ready for Mer's house.

   Jackson pov
  I love Jo. I really do. But when Jo and I got into this she would call me "Mr Can't Be Alone" or say that I catch feelings too quickly. So I can't tell her I live her. I mean it has been 6 months together. Is that a normal amount of time to tell someone you love them? Maybe I should just wait until the lil guy comes out.
   It was time to leave for Mer's house but Jo was taking forever to get ready. "Jo we have to go" I call to her. "Sorry I had to blow dry my hair and then curl it because we took to long in to shower" she says to me. "Hey! we took a perfect good amount of time in the shower" I say to her and she laughs. I sit on the bed waiting for her to go dish getting ready. She comes out of the bathroom and grabs her purse. "You ready?" she asks. "I've been ready for about 20 minutes" I say and then she gives me a playful slap. "Do you have the blankets for them?" she asked. "Sure do" and we walked out of the loft. We are giving each of the kids a blanket and they have to unwrap it because inside there's a hot that says. "Guess who's going to be a cousin?" With a picture of the lil guy in it. We were sure if they would get it at first but then we remember that they're Meredith and Dereks kids, they're geniuses.

   We arrive at Mer's house and Zola lets us in. "Auntie Jo!" she says and gives Jo the biggest hug. "Hi uncle Jackson!" she says to me and then leads us into the kitchen. A few minutes later we see Bailey wheeling his trains into the kitchen. "Hey Aunt Jo and Uncle Jackson!" He says and gives us hugs. "Auntie Jo and Uncle JJ are here?!" We here Ellis call from the play room and she runs in. "Hi!" she says and she runs into my arms. I lift her up and give her a big hug. "Hug too big. I want Auntie Jo now!" She says while giggling and I hand her off to Jo. "Wheres your guy's mom?" Jo asks. "She had to go to the store because we were out of string cheese and it made Bailey really sad" Zola says giggling. "Oh so who's here with you?" She asks. "Auntie Maggie went upstairs with Uncle Winston. Auntie Maggie had to shower but I don't know what Uncle Winstons doing" Zola says to Jo and Jo gives me a look because she relied that Maggie and Winston are fucking in the shower and now Jo and I have to watch Mer's kids til she's gets back. "Wheres Uncle Link and Auntie Amelia?" I ask. "They're house hunting!" Ellis says with a big smile. "Is Scout with them?" Jo asks and all 3 of the kids nod. "Auntie Jo I got a lot of new clothes yesterday do you want to see?" Zola asked Jo and Jo nods and Zola brought Jo up into Zola's room. I love how Jo is with all the kids. That might just be because Jo often acts like a child.
   A few minutes later Mer walks in the door with a whole bunch of grocery bags. "I thought you only needed string cheese" I say laughing at her. "Well are you just gonna sit there or are you gonna help?" I ask and then I go grab some bags from in the car. "Where Jo, Zola, Maggie, and Winston" Mer asked. "Zola wanted to show Jo her clothes and Maggie ans Winston are doing some dirty things in the shower." I say. "Oh-" Mer says. I help her put all the food away and then Jo comes downstairs with Zola. I walk into the living room where Bailey and Ellis were and tell them we got them presents. They come into the kitchen and Jo and Zola are already sitting at the table. "So guys" Jo says. "We saw these really nice blankets at the store and bought each of you one" She continue and hands the blankets out to each of them. "Aww thank you! They're so warm! Mommy can we please open them now?" Zola says and Mer nods. Zola goes and grabs a scissor so she can unpackaged the blankets. Ellis is too little for scissors so Zola does that for her. Zola unwrapped her present. "Guess who's pregnant" she reads and the sees the picture of our lil guy. Zola gasps. "Oh my gosh! oh my gosh! oh my gosh! Auntie Jo and Uncle Jackson are you guys having a baby!?" Zola says so excited. "Sure are" I say and Zola hugs me. "Oh my gosh." Zola says and she's so surprised. "Is it a boy or a girl" Ellis asked. "We don't know yet, all we know is that there's a lil guy in me kicking my organs around" Jo says and the kids laugh. "Does this mean we will have another cousin?" Bailey asks. "Yes it does!" Jo says and all of the kids hug her.

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