We'll Talk Later...

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   Jo Pov
   Jackson has been acting weird these past few days. I don't even know why, ever since he came back from Mer's house he's just been so weird. I'm gonna talk to him about it soon because I wanna make sure it wasn't something I did. Oh no, what if he leaves me. Maybe he went to Mer's to talk about leaving me! God I hope not.

"Morning" Jackson says with Amelia in his arms. I was sitting on the Island getting cereal out for Harriet. "Good Morning Dad!" Amelia says to him. Jackson places amelia down on a seat next to Har and he comes over and kisses me on the cheek. "Hi" I say to him quietly. "A hi? That's all I get" He says partly joking. I laugh at him kind-of joke but he looks at me. "What's wrong?" He asks me. "Nothing- We'll talk about it later" I tell him slightly stuttering. "Nothing? Or we'll talk about it later?" He asks. "Ohhhhh Daddy. You're in troubleeeee" Harriet teases. He laughs at her and so do I but then he looks back at me worried. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask him. "No reason, we'll talk about that later" He snarkly says to me and Harriet laughs at him. Amelia doesn't understand what's going on but she laughs at Harriet.
We all ate breakfast and it was mostly quiet. I was nervous that if I opened my mouth Jackson would leave me since he's been acting weird so I just didn't say anything til I look at the time. "Oh crap! Harriet go grab your backpack and shoes so I can take you to school!" I say to her realizing we're gonna be late. "Crap really?" Jackson asks sounding kind of mad at me. "I'm sorry it just slips out!" I say. "CRAP!" Harriet shouts from her room making fun of us. "HARRIET!" We both call to her in a tone so that she knows it was ok to joke about it in that moment but never again. We both hear Harriets big laugh which makes both of us smile. Harriet runs down the stairs with her backpack and shoes on. "I'm ready Mama!" She says to me and I grab her hand and the keys. "You know that I can take her to school right?" He asked me. "Yes Jackson I know that you can drive" I say annoyed at him. It was like we were in a fight, but neither of us knew what the fight was about. "Mama! We're gonna be late can we please go now!!" Harriet begs and I nod and walk out of the house quickly before Jackson stops me. I had a feeling we were about to fight.

The rest of the day went on and Jackson and I basically avoided each other. I went in the work only for a quick consult and checked in on one of my patients. I went back home and saw Jackson watching Jesse with Amelia. We always knew that Amelia should still be watching Dora, since she was only 3, but Harriet always had Victorious, Icarly, Jesse, and Zoey101 on that Amelia started to like them too. At first Jackson and I tried to change the channel but then we gave up because she liked it too much.
"Wow you actually came home" Jackson says. "Yes..I did" I said and there was awkward silence. "Umm- I'm gonna- I'm gonna go change out of my scrubs" I say to him and I go upstairs and out of grey sweatpants with a black crop top. I come back downstairs and notice that Amelia fell asleep on Jackson's shoulder. "I'm gonna go tuck her in....we can talk after" He says to me and I nod. We both knew that this was gonna be bad. Well at least I thought that.
He comes downstairs and plops himself on the couch. "Sooo..." he says waiting for me to start the conversation. "Why have you been so rude these last few days!" I say to him. He opens his mouth but I don't let him talk. "NO! I'm still speaking!" I tell him. "I've been trying to put the pieces together, ever since "Mer's House" You've been weird!!! You PROBABLY weren't even AT MER'S HOUSE! YOU PROBABLY CHEATED ON ME!!! YEP THATS RIGHT! AND THATS WHY YOU'VE BEEN ACTING WEIRD BECAUSE YOU HAVE BEEN TRYING TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO LEAVE ME WITHOUT BREAKING ME AGAIN! BUT GUESS WHAT IM ALREADY BROKEN! IVE ALWAYS BEEN BROKEN! SO IF YOU'RE GONNA LEAVE ME THEN FINE! DO IT! JUST GIVE ME A HEADS UP!" I shout at him and he looks shocked. "LEAVE YOU? JO I HAVE PROMISED YOU FOR 3 YEARS THAT I WOULD NEVER EVER LEAVE YOU!" he shouts back. "I'VE HEARED THAT BEFORE AND HAVE STILL BEEN LEFT SO I HAVE REASON TO THINK THAT YOU WOULD!!" I shout quickly at him. "JO I WOULD'NT DO THAT!" He tells me. "THEN WHY HAVE YOU BEEN ACTING SO WEIRD SINCE MERS!" I ask him. "BECAUSE I WAS GONNA ASK YOU TO MARRY ME!" He shouts and I freeze. "what?" I say quietly while i push away the tears from the fight seconds before. "I went to Mer's to ask for help on how I should ask you, her and Zola took the day to talk to me" He tells me and sounds so defeated. "I'm sorry....I- I didn't know" I tell him as I wipe away my tears. "It's fine you had no way of knowing" He sighs. "Well what did Mer and Zola say?" I ask. "They said that if I just came at you and asked you to marry me it would make you too anxious and that I should have small talks about it to you to see your thoughts on getting married again" I tells me and I can't help but let out a slight smile. "my thoughts on getting married again?" I ask. "I wanted to make sure you were ok with it and comfortable" He tells me. I don't know what to say. Of course I want to marry him. "Well if this helps....I have thought about asking to marry you before too" I tell him. "You have?" He asked. "Yep" I nod and he gives me a hug.

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