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Jo Pov
Carina gave Jackson and I a few hours to spend with just us and the baby. Amelia was there with us too for the most part but then she got paged. Amelia has been so great throughout all of this and I really appreciate it.
2 hours pass and Carina comes back in. "Do we have a name for your baby girl?!" Carina asks. Me and Jackson look at each other. We haven't even thought of names! "Uhm... not yet" I tell her. "Ok!" Carina says and walks out.
   3 minutes later Amelia came back to check on us! "How's the baby!?" She asked excitedly. "She's perfect" I reply and Jackson kisses our baby on the forehead. "Has Harriet met her yet?" Amelia asked. "No it's midnight and I didn't want her to not get enough sleep so she'll meet her in the morning. Harriets spending the night at Mer's." I say. "Can I hold her?" Amelia asks. "Of course you can" Jackson replied. Amelia grabs hand sanitizer and takes the baby out of my arms. "Hi baby" She says in a baby voice and rocks the baby. The baby falls asleep in amelia's arms. "Awwww" "Oh my God our baby is perfect" Me and Jackson say. I must've fallen asleep after that because I opened my eyes and it was morning.
   I wake up and see Jackson holding the baby. He's rocking her back and forth and it makes me smile. "Mer is brining Har over in an hour" Jackson tells me and I nod. He comes to my bedside and sits next to me. He hands the baby over to us and Amelia comes in. "Hey guys! How did the baby sleep?" Amelia asked. "Oh Jo slept great!" Jackson says making fun of me. "Hey did you just call me a baby" I say and give him a playful slap. "I just wanted to check and make sure you guys were ok. I know when I first had scout I was a mess but also in live with my kid all at once." Amelia tells us. "That pretty much sums up how I am. Thank you so much, for everything I really appreciate it!" I tell her and she nods.
    "DADA AND JOJO!!!!" We all here Harriet shout as she runs down the hall. "Where's baby sister!?" Harriet immediately asked. "She's right here" Jackson says and she comes to my bed with me holding the baby. "Can I sit on the bed with you?" She asks adorably. "Of course you can" I tell her. "Tank you" She replied and pushed herself off the floor onto the bed. She cuddled in right next to me and look at the baby. "Can I hold her?" Harriet asked. "Yes just please use hands it we first" Jackson says and squirts hand sanitiser onto Harriets tiny hands. I place the baby into Harriet's arms and she looks at her younger sister. "Hi baby! I'm you're big sister! I'm gonna show you all my toys, and my room, and I'm gonna play with you every day!" Harriet says and hugs the baby. "Does she have a name?" Harriet asks. Me and Jackson look at each other and smile. "Amelia Grey Wilson-Avery" we both said at the same time. "WHAT OMG" Amelia says. She runs up to jackson and gives him the biggest hug. She then comes to my bed side and gives me the biggest hug. "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!" Amelia is so excited. I'm happy that me and Jackson both knew that with Amelia's help yea she should be the one we named the baby after....although Catherine might not like it that much. "YOU GUYS- YOU NAMED THE BABY AFTER ME....well Meredith too BUT MOSTLY ME" Amelia keeps saying how excited she is over and over again. She ran into the halls and told al of the nurses and doctors.
    Meredith comes into the room a few minutes later. I'm not holding little Amelia and Harriet is cuddling up next to me. "Hi!!!" Mer says. "MEREDITH GUESS THE NAME OF THE BABY" Amelia says very loudly. "um idk? Catherine?" She asks. "NOPE! ITS AMELIA! AMELIA GREY WILSON-AVERY" Amelia says jumping up and down. "What? How did Amelia beat me to first name and I'm stuck with middle name?" Meredith says. "Well that's because you're the godmother and we couldn't give you too much power" I say. "IM THE GODMOTHER" Meredith says and now she's jumping up and down. "Yea, Me and Jackson decided you should be the godmother weeks ago, and Link is obviously the Godfather" I say to her. "WHAT? My baby daddy and boyfriend is the godfather? And I'm only the first name?" Amelia asked. "Amelia calm down, Nobody asks people 'hmmm who's you're godmother and why' They ask people what their name is!" Jackson says to Amelia. "Oh right. Suck it Mer!" Amelia says and Mer has a confused look.
   About 3 hours pass by and I see Catherine come down the hall. "Catherine how are you!?" I ask her, trying to kiss up. "Oh I'm doing just fine, I came to meet my granddaughter!" She says and gives Jackson a hug. She grabs hand sanitiser and takes the baby out of my arms. "Hi baby!" She whispers to it while rocking it. "I'm grandma!" She says. "Do we have a name yet?" She says and looks at Jackson and I. Me and Jackson both get nervous because we're pretty sure she would've much rather the baby name to be after her rather than Amelia and Meredith but we have to tell her. "Yes we do" Jackson says nervously. "Well don't keep me waiting, now what is it?" She asked. "Amelia Grey Wilson-Avery" I say very quietly. "Amelia Grey?" She asks and Jackson ans I nod. "Well I would have much rather Catherine, Or Fox, Or Cat" She says and Jackson looks at me with nervous eyes. "But I suppose Amelia is alright." Phew. I was terrified she would throw a fit.

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