M. Child Maniac x F. Victim Reader

Start from the beginning

"I like it when people ask about me," the male giggled, the sound of a chair rolling around moving through the speakers, "You should do it more. Maybe I'll give you a treat for that. Anyway, if I want something, I'll get it, and that's that. I told mom and dad I wanted a doll. They said I needed to catch one. So they bought me a big trap."

(Y/n)'s eyebrow twitched at his statement. It was clear that she and the other girls were supposed to be in that trap of his, but he had only expressed his wish for a singular doll. She wasn't entirely certain who that was supposed to be. Her curiosity must have been obvious to the boy watching as he quickly comments on it.

"See, I met this really nice girl when I was super little, but all of a sudden, she stopped coming over to play with me. So I want her. I've done a bit of research. One of you is her...probably. So these tests will help me find her again. The rest of you can die in agony, okay?"

A giggle resonated through the intercom before it shut off. She didn't hear from him for quite some time, most likely because he was attempting to watch as many people as possible. His logic made little sense, but he was only a child, she supposed. After all, most, if not all of the girls were much older than him. Perhaps he was looking for an old babysitter or tutor, but it was worrying that she wasn't who he was looking for. She never met a child that deranged, and she hardly had a habit of mingling with them.

Hours passed where the (h/c) haired girl spent solving the puzzles laid out for her. She had quickly learned the first one was to get her used to her environment. The others were practically death traps. If she wasn't smart, fast, or tough enough, she would have been subject to all forms of traps. The little bastard was sadistic, and it baffled her to think he would go through all of that work to lose the girl he'd been looking for relentlessly.

Upon entering the new room she had unlocked, (Y/n) scanned it from head to toe. It was a bedroom, most likely a replica of some sorts, but she didn't recognize it in the slightest. That being said, it did have some uses, giving her access to a plethora of seemingly harmless but useful objects. The toys were simply decoration, but she could perhaps come up with something. At the very least, the stuffed bunny was soft and could be used as a pillow. Up until then, she had attempted to put off sleeping, wanting to escape as soon as possible, but sooner or later, she would need to sleep.

"You don't happen to recognize any of this, do you?" a voice cooed, a disappointed hum echoing through the speakers, the cameras zooming in on her form, "Everyone else has either denied it or dropped dead already."

The (h/c) haired girl shook her head in denial, making an exasperated groan come from the male's mouth. It sounded like he rolled around in his chair with boredom. He no doubt wanted to know why it was that his doll hadn't shown up yet. Irritated with the prospect, he banged his head against his monitoring table, sighing over and over again. When he finally stopped, he watched as the girl began to piece together the puzzle before her.

Her hands were dextrous, able to skillfully help her scan for clues regarding the numerous buttons on the keypad to the door. She invoked a curiosity in the male. Always remaining calm and possessing a level head reminded him of the girl he was trying to find. Of course, the girl he wanted would never have talked back to him or subtly rolled her eyes when he wasn't looking. That being said, he was giddy whenever she solved the puzzle before her. He always liked a smart girl.

As she moved onto the next room, the male eagerly lit up the lights, watching her reaction closely. She gave a look of surprise, but carefully backed up the moment she saw electricity shooting out of wires. They sparked dangerously, numerous other threats in sight, and it was quite clear from the look of the clean rooms beforehand that it was perfectly intentional. The black and white tiles reminded her of a chessboard, and she assumed she was to be a pawn for him to use as he wished.

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