M. Gambler x F. Election Observer Reader

Start from the beginning

As he was invited to yet another gambling match, he arrived early, laying down on a sofa while he waited, his focus on his phone. He wouldn't talk to anyone that would greet him, less fixated with them, and more on the game they would play. Of course, he found it unlikely he would want to play, but if he was going to gamble, he wouldn't lose. Still, when he saw a (h/c) haired girl with an orange kitten sweater, he let a grin appear on his features, suddenly becoming friendly with the other players.

Azai took a seat at the table with the three other people that had wanted to play. Again, they were small fry, but it wasn't about the chips he would earn or the challenge of the game. It was the excuse to be around (Y/n), herself, the cute little thing she was. She was poorly obsessed with the idea of remaining neutral at all costs. Truth be told, he despised the idea of her dependence on the election committee's motto. He wanted to twist her against it and towards him instead. Wouldn't that have been nice?

"As per the agreement to the original invitation, today's game is a simple three draw poker," the (h/c) haired girl stated, relatively bored with the unoriginal game, "I'll shuffle the cards and deal them out as per usual. Please place your antes if you'd like to play."

Everyone chipped in one coin to play a round, Azai's eyes pinned on the younger girl as she shuffled. His smile didn't waver, continuing to gaze upon her as she dealt out the cards. He paused before picking up his cards, his breath hitching in his throat as he touched them, bolting up his gaze to the younger girl. Biting down on his lip, he picked up his cards and looked over them with satisfaction.

As everyone shed their cards, grabbing new ones from the younger girl, the male found his jealousy biting away at his heart. Her eyes trailed to the others as she gave them new cards. He would rather have her stare only at him, but as he was able to have more cards, he stumbled as she asked if he wanted to trade them out. The silver-haired male had a straight with the high card of a queen. It was a lovely hand, and he didn't have to throw it out to win.

However, the male found himself unable to resist being given more cards by her darling hands. As such, he didn't care if he won or lost the game, more concerned with being given something directly by her with her attention solely on him. Thus, he fumbled and gave up two random cards, being given two cards. He even got the opportunity to touch her hand, accidentally pulling back in surprise before hastily taking the cards.

His cheeks flared red though he tried to keep it under control under her gaze. Still, he had been attempting to find her to deal for him specifically for so long. He had been relatively unlucky in acquiring her as one, many of the others on the election committee taking her place. It was a relief to finally have her dealing for him again, and as if to add sugar onto a sweet sundae, she had just dealt him back his cards in different suits. She really was a good luck charm for him, and he gave a shaky sigh at it, his smile unwavering.

The game went on and inevitably, Azai won. He was talented as his reputation told of him, and he had acquired a handful more election chips. However, he found that the game was quicker than he anticipated. In a last-minute attempt to get the younger girl to stay, he finally spoke up to her. He hadn't announced his presence to her before, preferring to wait until the right time. It seemed that time had come.

"(Y/n)," he said quietly, clearing his throat and raising an eyebrow, "Care for a small game?"

"With me?" she hummed, "I'm afraid I can't, as part of the election committee. If you would like to gamble for my election chip, it's essential that we maintain absolute neutrality."

"I don't want your vote. I want to gamble for something better. Just a small game of chance for a small prize. An equal chance of winning for both parties."

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