1 - WHAT THE-?!

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Nova's POV

"Owwww...." I hold my head in my hands after falling from the bright blue sky. Yes... the sky.

I look down to see who i fell on and to my sweet surprise I find myself sitting on my crush. Not my real crush. The guy i had a crush on through a WEBTOON. Yes, a webtoon. The God of High school webtoon, to be precise.

God bless Yongje Park

And the guy who I had been crushing on was none other than Mori Jin. Jaecheondaesong. Monkey King. Demon King. HEAVENLY EMPEROR-

Wait... hold on... Why...-??

"Urgghh....." He groans under me. His chocolate brown eyes open slowly and definitely in pain to see who had feel on him.

"Eek!" I squeak in surprise as he sits up and I stay sitting on his lap.

"Oh! Crap! I-I-I'M S-S-SOOO SORRY!!!! P-PLEASE! ACCEPT M-MY APOLOGY!!" I ramble, stumbling over my words. I do a deep bow, hoping he'll just let this slide. Although, if it were me, i would punch the hell out of whoever fell on me. But this is MORI JIN we're talking about!! He'll probably round-house my face or something-...

"Y-you're fine..." He says groggily, cracking his back.

I stand there in surprise.

"Wait... are you serious?" My eyes go wide in surprise.

"Uh... yea... I am. It was probably an accident anyways." He shrugs, cutely. I feel my breath caught in my throat at his small shrug.

But my thoughts are placed on hold when I begin to stumble, feeling my head throb.

Mori quickly grabs my waist and hand, helping me stand, steadily.

"Hey! Hey, are you alright?!" He asks me, obviously worried for me, a conplete stranger.

"Y-yeah... yea... I'm f-fine...i think..." Mori helps me walk slowly into a building I recognize as G.O.H. Or where the G.O.H competition was held.

"H-hey... wait... you're starting the competition?"

I ask, looking at him in confusion.

"Oh yeah... the G.O.H competition? Its been going on for a few days now. If that's what you're asking..." He shrugs again and I struggle to stop myself from blushing.

'I'M SO WEAK.' I scold myself for becoming flustered.

I shake my head out of my daze and focus on the important thing.


I start to tremble and I quickly lose my balance when my head starts to throb again but tighter this time.

"Arghhh!!! M-My head!!! It feels like its gonna explode-!!"

Woah... Deja vu.

Isn't that what Mori said when he got his memories back? Huh...

Mori grabs on to me tighter so i won't fall.

"Hold on... i'll get someone to help you, alright? Just stay with me..." He whispers as he helps me walk deeper into the G.O.H building.

"W-wait... wait... Mori..." I stutter as the pain worsens. He couldn't hear me so i had slowly whispered his name and he skid to a stop.

"How do you know my name?" He holds me as my vision starts to blur. "I....--" I try to speak but before I can't say anything, the world goes black.

The God of High School: A Nightmare Come TrueWhere stories live. Discover now