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this is reality

Once again there i was in my living room watching Karate Kid, what can i say, Charlie was right i watch it when i'm nervous. I could tell Charlie was nervous too. Even though he tried to act like he wasn't, i know better. I am his twin after all.

I turn to Charlie who was sitting right next to me on the couch, "we should go practice before the game, i'm not ready."

He stopped me from getting up, "Kendall, you're ready! The team is ready! The ducks made the come back of a life time. We're gonna kick some hawk butt. And even if we don't, look how far we made it. Can you believe it? It's all because we have a great team, a great coach, and a great kendall."

I smile as he finishes, "you forgot about a great charlie."

"Ehh that was already a given," he chuckles and i start to laugh too. I lean my head on his shoulder, "we should probably start getting ready for the game." He nods his head in agreement.

Here we go, i thought. My final battle against the hawks.

I walk into the locker room to my nervous but ecstatic team. I get to my locker without saying a word and my team eyes me suspiciously. "What's going on! No, are you ready to win? No, the hawks are going down speech?" Averman speaks up as my team nods their heads in concern.

"Oh sorry i forgot," i say nervously. "You forgot? You've said that every game this season even before we were the ducks!" jesse exclaims.

"I didn't know it meant that much to you! Give me a sec." I walk out of the locker room and turn around to head right back in.

"Who's ready to kick some hawk butt!" i shout to please my nervous team. They all cheer excitedly, "there's the Kendall we know and love!" Guy shouts from his locker. I smile at the team that means the world to me and think ..... alright kens shake your nerves away and let's do this.

I hear the National Anthem playing as me and my teammates have our hands over our hearts. Mine and the Hawks team have been in an intense staring match, even the coaches.

I see Banks in front of me as Larson and McGill glare at him. He nervously puts his head down not wanting to meet there eyes. I take my available hand and put it on his arm to reassure him. As soon as i do i see his stature relax a bit which brings a smile to my face.

"Let's go!" my coach yells as the crowd cheers and we skate off back to our box.

"Alright team! I'm very proud of how far we've made it and let's.... kendall would you do the honors." coach says turning to me.

I smirk as i pump up my team, "Lets beat these pansy's once and for all!" i shout as loud as i can which causes cheers from my team and dirty looks from the hawks.

"Alright let's quack it out!" My team begins to quack as loud as we can as the crowd joins in on our chants. "Gooooo Ducks!"

I sit the first round out as most of the team goes out onto the ice. As Banks steps out i hear Jesse's loud mouth speak up. "Hey Banks! Don't forget what side your on." Banks skates off sadly.

"Jesse!" i call out, "he's a duck. he'll play like a duck. Now take your hatred for him and leave it behind for now. Let's win this thing once and for all." His eyes look angry but he nods his head in understanding. I see Banks looking at me from the ice, he probably just heard the whole conversation. He mouths a 'thank you' and i give him a small smile as i stick my thumbs up at him.

I let out a shaky breath as the game begins. As soon as the puck hits the ice, Banks gets trampled and the hawks score. Here we go.

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