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i hate you.

My team and I were loaded into coach's van on our way to some surprise destination. Me and Charlie had been giddy all morning just by wondering what it could be.

Not much later we walk into this huge sports arena. Not just any sports arena the North Stars sports arena.

I see two players getting off the ice, Basil McRae and Mike Modano. My eyes widen as i kept tapping Charlie on the shoulder. "Charlie, Charlie, Oh my gosh Charlie!" i start jumping up and down.

All the team does is laugh at me as Basil and Mike look my way with smiles on there faces. "Now who might this be coach," Mike Modano asks coach.

"This my friends is my star player Kendall Conway," coach answers them.

"Hello Kendall! It's nice to meet you!" both basil and mike say. My eyes start to water as anyone's does when they meet their idols. All i can blurt out is, "i'm a huge, huge fan!"

I can't stop the big smile across my face as they exit the arena. My team started to walk towards the ice to begin skating but i was frozen in place with a doofy smile on my face. "Come on, you" connie says while laughing and pulling me over to get our skates on.

Connie leaves me for Guy while mostly everyone is on the ice.

My hands were shaky as i tried to tie up my laces, i eventually gave up trying. The shock of meeting two of my idols was just too much.

"Need help?" i look over to see Banks coming my way. I didn't want help from him but he was the only one there and i wanted to skate so i hesitantly nodded my head.

He came over in an instant and started to tie my laces, "there all done." I mutter a quiet "thanks" and left him right after that.

I skated out onto the ice to see that Connie was busy holding hands with Guy. I smirked and yell "Go connie!" she gave me a stern look while her and guy's face both turned red. I found Fulton skating alone so i joined him at his side. "Hey fulton."

"Hey kendall."

"Can you actually believe we are skating on the ice the North Stars play on!" i say being very energetic.

He laughs, "i'm not as big of a hockey fan as you but yeah this is crazy."

"Yeah, my fan girl side of me finally shown through a little bit," i laughed shortly.

"Well i'm glad i got to see it! It was hilarious!" he started laughing so much he fell over. "I'm a huge, huge fan!" He mimicked.

"Shut up you jerk," Soon i felt myself laughing as much as he was and fell on the ice next to him.

He got up and reached out a hand for me to take. Once we were up he had starting stumbling again and fell once more. I was dying of laughter as i went over to help him up.

When i turn around i make eye contact with none other than Adam Banks. He wears a sad expression and turns around to skate away. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, why did he look like that every time i saw him?

We make our way up to the stands to watch the actual North Stars play. Best day of my life. I was the last one up and the only available seat was the one between Charlie and Banks. Great.

"Switch with me!" i whisper to Charlie. He shakes his head, "sorry sis i'm already comfortable." I sigh in defeat as i punch him in the arm and sit between him and Banks.

"Hi kendall," i hear banks say from beside me. I give him a small wave but kept my eyes concentrated on the ice. This was gonna be a long game but i wasn't about to let Banks ruin it for me.

𝔫𝔬𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔟𝔲𝔱  𝔭𝔲𝔠𝔨 ⇢ ADAM BANKS (1)Where stories live. Discover now