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"District 5 star player number 95, Kendall Conway, makes her way down center ice towards the Hawks goal. She rams into McGill! Skates around Larson! Now it's just Conway and Banks! Conway with great speed passes Banks now it's just her and the goalie! She goes right, she goes left, she raises her stick to make the shot! She shoots! Wait no she fakes the shot! She shoots she...."

Beeeeeep.... she wakes up.

"Ughhh" i groan as i smack the alarm clock off my desk. I lay their recalling the dream i just had. It was a true dream of mine, to be in the championship against the Hawks and being able to destroy those disgusting, fowl beings named Larson, McGill and Banks.

They were my biggest pet peeves in life and they never went away.

I looked at the alarm clock that i had smacked to the floor and saw that is was 9:30am. Just a few more hours until the glorious moments of hockey practice.

With my excitement for practice, i jump out of bed and start heading towards the kitchen. "Charlie!" i yell for my twin, hoping he would come join me to eat breakfast.

"Charlie!!" i yell once more trying to gain my spaz-away brother's attention. I roll my eyes, of course no answer.

Pulling the milk out from the refrigerator i notice two notes hanging there, the first one being from my mom. 'Took an extra shift at the diner this morning have fun at practice my loves, i'll be there in time to come get you' it read. I placed it back on the fridge for Charlie to read once he got his lazy butt up.

As i poured my Reeses Puffs into my bowl, i looked at the second note.

'Out with Averman, Karp, and Peter. Meet you at practice -C' Charlie.

I knew those idiots were doing something like picking up dog turds, either way, i didn't want to know about it.


An hour later i had been getting ready for practice. I grabbed my hockey gear and stick, braided my hair, and put on the North Stars jersey my mom had gotten me for Christmas.

The lake wasn't far from our apartment, only about a 15 minute walk, which i didn't mind because of the cold and refreshing air of Minneapolis i had the pleasure of being in.

I had passed the same alley every time i walked to the lake, where this strange kid named Fulton would hit hockey pucks into the street. I kindly smiled and waved like i did every time. And he shyly looked away and threw up a small wave like he did every time.

"Kendall!" i heard my name being yelled as i finally got to the lake. I looked over to see my tall brunette best friend skating my way, then tackling me with a hug.

"Connie i literally saw you last night!" i said as we both fell on the ice.

"I know, i know but i have something i've been dying to tell you!" she exclaimed.

"So share this exciting news that made you tackle me to the ground," i said as i tied up the laces to my skates.

"So you know Becky from gym class," she went on. "The one that i accidentally hit in the face with a dodgeball?" Connie shakes her head eagerly to get on with her story. "Anyways her and..." i had completely zoned out on what she was saying and had my concentration on the ice. Every now in then i would nod to satisfy her like i had actually been paying attention to the piece of school gossip she was telling me.

With my concentration still on the ice i had finally heard her say "... so yeah they're done for."

I turned my head back to her with a shocked expression. "Wow very crazy," i said trying to cover up the fact i had not been paying attention whatsoever.

"You weren't paying attention were you," she sneered. "Hey look it's Guy!" i said gesturing for the blond to come over. Connie continues, "Kendall, why can't you just be my bestie who i can gossip and talk about boys to" connie whined. "Wow what did i just walk into" guy said finally joining the small group. Ignoring guy's comment i face back to connie, "first of all boys our overrated and blah and secondly, it's hard to keep track of your rambling talk of gossip when my feet are on the ice and my view is the ice!"

"Hockey freak" connie mumbles under her breath which i just rolled my eyes to.

"I am not blah i am a hoot!" guy exclaims which causes me to jump forgetting that he was still there. I pat him on the shoulder and say "yes you are guy, yes you are." Guy skates away happily with connie with a smile plastered on his face. I laugh at the easiness to please him. Guy has always been the go with the flow type of dude, ever since we were in preschool and i gave him a sticker in exchange to be my friend, and look he's still here.

I look over and finally see my in womb roommate.

"Charlie!" i yell which causes him to change direction and skate towards me excitedly. "Kendall you'll never believe what just happened!" he exclaimed. I nod my head to show i was listening and this time was paying attention knowing he wouldn't let me go until i heard every word.

"we were doing are classic dog poo trick and some jackhole had actually bought it! Then he saws us after finding the poo and started chasing after us but he slipped and hit where the sun never shines! it was so funny!" he said laughing hysterically at his own story.  "Hah! i knew you were messing with dog turds again!" i exclaimed recalling me thinking about what he was doing this morning.

"Turds?" he looked at me disgusted. "Jeez kendall how am i even related to you," he sighs. "It's poo or poop show some class!"  I rolled my eyes "yeah because messing around with dog turds to start your day is so classy," i countered.

He rolled his eyes at that comment, "whatever."

"Hey, hey watch it Conways!" Goldberg yelled as we began to take shots at him.

"Goldberg your the goalie they're supposed to hit you!" charlie yelled back. "Well who said that!?" goldberg questioned. "i don't know maybe the literal rules of how you play hockey!" i said with a temper.

Just then a black limo pulled out onto the ice.

"what the heck" i muttered to my self. The team skates up to the limo when a man who looks like he should be polishing his yacht steps out.

A/N- i hope you enjoyed the first chapter! let me know what you think. Again i apologize if it's not good writing this is the first story i have written. Thank you for giving the story a shot an i hope you have a lovely day! More chapters coming very soon!

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