Chapter 30: A Terror Reborn

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"The light abandoned Cayde... Left him for dead... Kept him unable to be saved..." Twinkle says in that dark voice once again. "Who's to say that the light won't abandon you next?"

"No... Don't listen to that..." Spe-7 says to Gold.

"We'll ALWAYS be there for you, no matter what." Queen replies as Gold fiddles with her hand cannon.

"So... Where next? This pyramid looks like it could go on forever..." Gold asks as Spe-7 slowly leads the way.

"There were three nightmares that we saw on the moon... Ghaul, Fikrul and Crota." Spe-7 says. "We've already taken down two of them... All that leaves us is... Crota... The one we couldn't kill before..."

"No... We're going to kill him, and we're going to put an end to this madness." Suzuka replies. "And we're going to find Taiki." And with that the trio step further and further into the pyramid. This time the red statue that is Crota is not very far from them, and they stop to look.

"You may not know Crota... But Crota knows what you did..." Twinkle says. "Crota remembers how he was slain by the hands of your ancestors... And he is desperately looking for vengeance... He won't stop until you're nothing more than thrall feed..."

"Oh I don't think so... We're going to pulverize this nightmare creep and turn him into a pile of dust." Gold says as she pounds her knuckles together, and with this newfound confidence, the trio approach the nightmare and prepare for the blinding light. This time when they can see again they find themselves in an unknown area, one that they have never seen before, and Gold carefully looks around to take her surroundings. "Where is this place?"

"It almost looks like that one place where we fought Hiraks..." Suzuka mumbles. "Is this supposed to be a throne world?" Sure enough, Crota can be seen standing on the other side of the arena, carrying a powerful blade and with nightmare knights at his side. Crota does not speak, but he does prepare his blade, holding it in a position that resembles that of a medieval knight. "I think he accepts our challenge."

"Then let's give him a fight that he's gonna carry to his grave." Gold says as Suzuka brings out her own blade and charges forth, engaging the two nightmare knights while Spe-7 and Gold target Crota himself. Crota then goes after Suzuka, sword raised and at the ready, and she just barely avoids getting oneshotted by the nightmare as the sword is slammed on the ground, creating an energy blast that sends her flying instead. Suzuka manages to glide back onto the ground, saving her from breaking any bones and Spe-7 manages to land a rocket, nailing Crota in the face with it. He falls over from the sheer force of the impact and when he gets back up he projects his red shield around himself, protecting himself from any further blows.

"Take THIS!" Gold yells as she takes aim with her hand cannon and empties the entire cylinder into a knight, causing it to explode and drop the sword it holds. Spe-7 quickly moves in and takes the sword for herself, noticing the strange power it wields, and as soon as Crota's shield goes down she charges forward, engaging in an intense swordfight with the nightmare prince.

"You can do it!" Suzuka calls out. Crota takes swing after swing but Spe-7 is too fast to hit, and she manages to hack off the prince's leg, forcing him down on one knee.

"Time to end this! HI-YAH!" Spe-7 shouts out as she brings the blade down one last time, decapitating Crota. The sword dissipates and the light blinds them once more, bringing them back to the pyramid. "That... That was almost too easy..."

"One by one, Crota slayed countless guardians... And the light did nothing but stand idly... A great disaster ensued... In light there is only death..." Twinkle says. "But you have done well... You have faced your fears... Continue on, there are no more enemies to face..." And with that the trio sees a staircase waiting before them, one that must have been opened up after they beat the nightmare of Crota. "Come to us... Do not be afraid... Respite lies ahead."

"...Do we continue?" Gold asks, but Suzuka immediately looks to her.

"We should. Eris is going to want whatever is in here." Suzuka replies as the trio walks up the staircase, guns at the ready. They come across a strange veiled statue, one that holds a strange artifact, and the trio looks amongst themselves.

"Please... Take this, for being able to face your fears and conquer them." Twinkle says before finally the red light on the ghost turns blue once more, but by then Suzuka has already picked up the strange artifact, and they find themselves being transported to a strangely lush place, one where the grass is green and the skies are a strange teal.

"Where is this place?" Spe-7 asks.

"This place is one of hope." A voice sounding exactly like Spe-7 replies, and the equine guardians quickly whip their heads around to see clones of themselves walking towards them- without armor let alone. Instead they are in their trademark idol dresses, just like how they were first found.

"Who are you?!" Gold asks.

"We're not your friends." Gold's duplicate replies.

"Nor are we your enemies." Suzuka's duplicate continues.

"We... Are your salvation." Spe-7's duplicate finally finishes.

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