Chapter 28: The Ghost Of The Sun Razer

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The trio of guardians find themselves venturing into the strange scarlet keep once more, and they took the same route they did before to find the strange pyramid. This time around they didn't face as much resistance as before, with only the occasional nightmare thrall pestering them, and it wasn't long before they found themselves standing where the pyramid could be seen.

"Whoa... It suddenly got so heavy... Am I stuck?" Gold asks as she tries and fails to lift her feet up, and Spe-7 comes to her aid, helping her muscle through, and they find themselves standing in the area where they first encountered the three nightmare generals. "What the...? Where is this?"

"This... This is as close to the darkness as we might get." Spe-7 replies, and suddenly Twinkle emerges much to her surprise. The ghost sports a red light instead of the normal blue and it speaks with a deeper, much more distorted voice.

"We're so close..." Twinkle says, and Spe-7 looks in shock.

"What the?! Twinkle?!" Spe-7 asks.

"It beckons us to come even closer..." Twinkle continues to say as the trio begin to walk further beyond the battlefield. As they move though a strange force begins to lift them off of the ground, drawing them towards the pyramid. "Violence... Beauty... Truth... All awaits for you inside." The trio is dragged inside of the pyramid and they land on their feet, trying to take in their new surroundings. "Welcome... We've been waiting for you."

"This place is scary..." Spe-7 mumbles as Gold carefully aims her new hand cannon. This one sports a strange taken appearance and the barrel looks like it's been carved into, with pieces of the barrel stylishly carved out. "What kind of gun is that?"

"This is the gun that Drifter made for me when I brought that weapon core back." Gold replies. "He calls it Malfeasance."

"So... What does it do?" Spe-7 asks, but her questions get cut short as Twinkle guides them into the pyramid and leads them to what appears to be a statue- but as they get closer they realize that it is not a statue, rather it is a nightmare of none other than Dominus Ghaul.

"You remember Dominus Ghaul, don't you?" Twinkle asks. "You remember how he assailed the last city... Took everyone's light... Tortured the speaker and left him for dead... Used the light for himself..." Spe-7's blood boils upon reliving those memories and she confidently aims her minigun at the nightmare construct. As Spe-7 slowly steps forward the trio immediately gets blinded by something. When their vision returns to them they find themselves standing on what appears to be Ghaul's flagship, The Immortal, and standing where a fiery tornado of light would be stands none other than the nightmare of Ghaul himself, sporting those red tendrils once more.

"I am Ghaul... I remember you... I may not be able to claim your light, but I will make sure that NOBODY can claim it." The nightmare of Ghaul says, voice ghostly and dry not unlike the nightmare of the fanatic, and he proceeds to charge his solar energy, forming a blazing severus.

"Look out!" Suzuka shouts as Ghaul begins throwing the flaming swords at Gold, mistaking her for Taiki. Gold immediately begins firing at Ghaul with her new hand cannon- and once all the rounds hit they proceed to create a big explosion that stumbles the dominus, and he proceeds to produce nightmare legionaries by throwing clouds of darkness onto the field. These legionaries resemble the blood guard that had protected the living Ghaul all his life, but Gold finds that her solar energy is completely charged.

"Let's try something new here! You think you're the only one on fire here?!" Gold shouts as she unleashes all of her solar energy and conjures up what appears to be a fiery anchor much to Spe-7 and Suzuka's shock. Ghaul does not say anything but he gets knocked about as Gold wildly spins the anchor around like a flail, nailing him in the face multiple times with it, and when Gold slams the anchor on the ground it creates a fiery line that ignites and burns the dominus and any other unfortunate nightmares that have been lined up. "That'll learn you!" Her solar energy then exhausts and Ghaul proceeds to turn blood red as more nightmares emerge to defend the phantom dominus.

"I can't hurt him!" Gold shouts as her arrows bounce off.

"Then we have to kill those nightmares first!" Suzuka shouts. "They must be what's sustaining it!"

"On it!" Spe-7 shouts as she conjures up an arc spear and begins shish kabobing the nightmares one by one, weakening the ghost of Ghaul enough to where his shield dissipates, rendering him vulnerable once more.

"I will extinguish your light... and I will extinguish everyone else when I'm done with you." Ghaul says as he switches from solar to void energy and begins shooting off void powered arm blades.

"Take this!" Suzuka shouts as she leaps high into the air, heading directly for Ghaul, and she throws a powerful nova punch, knocking the dominus out of the air and sending him careening to the ground, tumbling all along the ground.

"I got this!" Gold shouts as she charges. "Take this you fat space rhino!" She yells as she throws an explosive drop kick and destroys the nightmare of Ghaul- instead of exploding the nightmare explodes into a red mass of tendrils that proceeds to dissipate, never to return again, and the light blinds them once more, taking them back to where they stood.

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