Chapter 23: Tools Of The Trade

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It took the trio of guardians a few hours, but thanks to Failsafe's tracking they were able to harvest enough Vex parts to satisfy Ikora's needs to build something to draw out the Undying Mind.

"Ow... That really hurt..." Gold mumbles as she's finished being resurrected by Queen. "I am NEVER standing next to a hydra like that again."

"Yeah... I kinda forgot to tell you that they explode if you don't turn off their self destruct mechanism correctly." Spe-7 says sheepishly.

"You couldn't have told me that earlier?!" Gold asks. "I didn't even know it was gonna blow up!"

"To be fair when we were first revived Taiki left us to fight for ourselves when we were able to get a ship." Suzuka replies.

"He just left?" Gold asks.

"He still helped us. He just trusted that we could fend off the Fallen long enough to get our first ship up and going." Suzuka replies, fiddling with her sniper rifle. "He really does remind me of Trainer-san."

"You still remember him? I'm surprised." Gold chuckles. "I wonder how he's been doing."

"Eh, we got all the parts we needed." Spe-7 replies. "Should we just return to Ikora?"

"We should." Suzuka says. "She'll be wanting these parts." As they bring out their ghosts to hop back into their jumpships though, somebody comes rushing by, and Suzuka immediately whips her head to look. "Taiki!"

"Oh hey! Suzuka, what's up?" Taiki asks. "Who's this?"

"This is Gold Ship. Just call her gold." Spe-7 replies. "She's a new guardian, and a titan!"

"Most interesting." Taiki chuckles. "Is that my old gun?"

"Yup, we gave it to her!" Spe-7 replies.

"Well, at least my legacy is going to be carried on." Taiki laughs. "Now if you'll excuse me, Eris has me hunting for nightmares." And just like that he rushes off yet again, not even saying a goodbye.

"...Does he tend to do that a lot?" Gold asks. "He seems really busy."

"Usually he would at least have the time to say goodbye, but he's been so obsessed with these nightmare things... I'm worried about him." Suzuka mumbles.

"I'm sure he'll be fine." Gold says. "Once these nightmares reel back, your boyfriend'll be back to normal again." Suzuka nearly chokes on her own saliva and looks at Gold with disbelief.

"What?! He's not my boyfriend!" Suzuka shouts, and Gold laughs.

"I don't think I've ever heard you yell like that before! Now that's a real treat right there." Gold snickers as the trio hop into their jumpships and head back for the tower. When they do get over there though Kadi, the local postmaster, is waiting for them. "Who's this?"

"I'm Kadi 55-30. I'm the postmaster of the tower, and you appear to have a package from Failsafe." Kadi replies as the frame produces a pair of engrams. They are purple in appearance and Gold quickly takes them.

"...Do you just open these right then and there?" Gold asks, and Suzuka only nods in response. Upon finding the hidden button to open the engrams they reveal themselves to be a combat bow and a machine gun.

"Aww no fair, you got a machine gun?!" Spe-7 asks in jealousy.

"I think I might like this thing!" Gold laughs as she looks at it. The machine gun itself looks very streamlined- it resembles more of a SAW than anything else, and a few test shots reveals that it shoots arc charged ammo.

"You're back. Have you brought the parts necessary?" Ikora asks as she walks over. Gold then brings out Queen, who then proceeds to produce a large pile of Vex parts, ranging from goblin limbs to minotaur heads, to gate lord eyes, and two entire hydra chassis. "...This should be more than enough." She says, surprised at how much the girls have brought back. "How did you get the hydras though?"

"I knocked them out with my arc attacks and then Suzuka disarmed them." Spe-7 replies. "We also ran into Taiki earlier."

"Did he say anything to you?" Zavala asks.

"Well... He just kinda greeted us and then left, something with killing nightmares on Nessus for Eris." Suzuka replies.

"I don't recall seeing a pyramid in Nessus' orbit... That is off..." Zavala mumbles. "Could it be that the darkness is spawning these nightmares wherever they please? No... That can't be... You three are free to go, the vanguard needs to do some more research." And with that the commander of the vanguard takes his leave, leaving the trio with not a whole lot to do.

"So... Do we just keep an eye on Taiki until these nightmares are driven back?" Suzuka asks.

"What? Exo boy out killing gods again?" A voice calls out, and it turns out to be none other than the drifter. "You look new."

"Hello there drifter." Suzuka says. "What do you want?"

"What? A man can't go up and say hi?" Drifter asks. "Look, I know that you're worried about Taiki here. He's been pretty close to the darkness, but not gonna lie, the darkness ain't all that bad."

"And how do you know that?" Gold asks.

"I've been a guardian well before you guys." Drifter replies. "I just don't bring out my ghost. If you'd like, I can show you guys what I do for a living... If you can call it a living. What do you say? Wanna come along?" The three look at each other warily, but once they make up their minds they nod in response. "Then come with me."

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