Chapter 2: The Crime of The Century

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"Okay... This is going to be tougher than I thought. They aren't going to let us waltz by so easily." Cayde says. "I would say I take high and you take low to cover ground but then we'd end up getting overwhelmed on both sides since we're spreading ourselves thin."

"Yeah, sounds like a plan." Taiki replies as the two look down the tunnel to see tons of prisoners fighting amongst one another. "What do you say we have a little competition?"

"A dare?" Cayde asks. "What's the catch?"

"If I can kill more guys than you when we reach the hub, you're buying. If you kill more, I'm buying." Taiki replies.

"You're on." Cayde snickers as the two pull out their hand cannons. "So we kill as many as we can until we can reach the security hub?"

"Yup." Taiki chuckles. "Three, two, one, go!" And with that the two bolt, with Cayde hopping onto the high ground anyway to try and beat Taiki in the dare.

"Put 'em up!" Cayde shouts as he brings out his dagger and stabs a couple of legionaries while Taiki punches the ones surrounding him. Eventually Taiki sees a catwalk just above him, and he looks up just in time to witness Cayde slide down and use his golden gun to incinerate a knight that was about to cleave him in half. "Time out buddy! I just wanna say something!"

"Okay, shoot." Taiki says.

"I just wanted to let you know that I'm having the time of my life right now." Cayde replies, fiddling with an incendiary grenade. "Okay time in!" He quickly says as he tosses the grenade behind him, blowing up the area behind him and sending some legionaries flying.

"Glad to hear that." Taiki laughs as the two press forward. By the time Taiki reaches another catwalk just a few blocks away, Cayde can be seen getting chased by two sword wielding cabal that he hasn't seen before. Their helmets almost resemble horns and they carry two gigantic blades, and where they need more mobility their jetpacks are always at the ready.

"NOT THE FACE! NOT THE FACE! STAY AWAY FROM MY HORN!" Cayde shouts, but Taiki quickly helps out, blasting the jetpacks with his hand cannon and sending them flying all over the place. By pure incidence the two sword wielding cabal crash into each other, taking each other out before they fall into a pit that has been created by an explosion. "Nice shot! What's your kill count?"

"I think 16? What about you?" Taiki asks.

"I'm at 15!" Cayde replies. "Keep it up, we're almost at the door!"

"Petra, we're almost at the security hub! How are things looking on your end?" Taiki asks.

"Not good at all! Everything's gone dark down here!" Petra replies. "I have to take the long way to supermax!"

"We'll try to make it there as soon as we can!" Taiki calls out as he reaches the door. "But where's Cayde?" He gets his answer as soon as he goes through the door.

"LOOK OUT BELOW!" Cayde shouts out as a legionary looks up to see the exo hunter stab him in the neck. "Whoa whoa whoa!" He continues to shout as he and the legionary begin to fall off the edge. "This was not part OF THE PLAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!!"

"CAYDE!!!" Taiki and Ghost shout simultaneously, but then Cayde flies back up with the help of a shank.

"Scratch that! That was definitely the plan!" Cayde laughs. "Meet you at the hub!" And with that Cayde attempts to direct the shank to where he needs to go like some sort of bull rider. "Go left... Left! Your OTHER left!"

"And now to score some kills." Taiki chuckles as he continues to fight through, running into a giant ogre along the way. The cabal and vex that are nearby are attempting to take it down- with little to no success. "Let's get explosive..." And with that he brings out his bow, draws back an explosive arrow, and fires. The arrow sticks itself into the ogre's eye, stunning it before it explodes, knocking it onto it's back and allowing the two other factions to finish it off. Taiki then blows them to hell and back and comes to the security hub, but the door refuses to open. "Shitballs... What now?"

"We need warden level clearance to get through." Ghost mumbles.

"Hold up, stand by for promotion." Cayde says as the door opens. "You missed it! Oh well, time for the coup-de-gracie." He pulls the switch... And the wall of buttons turns red and an alarm can be heard. "Uh... What's happening to the floor?" He asks as the floor starts opening up, revealing hive gunk. "Gah! The hive gunked up the works! Clear it out will ya?"

"You got it!" Taiki says. "Say, how many kills did you get? I got thirty."

"Looks like you're buying, I got forty." Cayde laughs.

"Damn." Taiki chuckles as he blasts away the hive and their gunk.

"All right, now that it's been scrubbed, let's turn this on." Cayde says.

"Remember to purge the buffers." Ghost says.

"Sure, got it!" Cayde says, but he cuts himself off. "One question... How do you do that?"

"Press the red button." Ghost says, and Cayde looks behind him to see an entire wall of red buttons.

"...They're ALL red!" Cayde shouts.

"Then press ALL of them!" Ghost says, and he quickly runs his hands over as many buttons as he can until they turn green.

"Ha! I can't believe that worked! I'm amazing at this..." Cayde snickers as he throws the switch, only to be met with the same results as before. "Scratch that! It did NOT work." The process is repeated yet again as Taiki blasts the hive and their gunk, but when Cayde attempts to throw the switch, nothing happens. "Come on!" Eventually he gives up and shoots the switch with his gun, fixing the system. "And stay down! Tech support with extreme prejudice!"

"All right! What now?" Taiki asks.

"Well, everything's where it's supposed to be, but now it's asking me for some kind of secondary activation? Should be a terminal you can use out on the catwalks. I'd go with you, but I hear this place has turrets, and I really wanna fire 'em." Cayde says as he sees a door to said catwalk. "By the way... You and me? Good team. Let me get that door for you."

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