Chapter 25: The Silver Line

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"Woo! I haven't ever seen fights like that since the frontier!" Drifter says as the trio of guardians return to the derelict with a heaping primeval corpse right behind them. "Wow that is a big primeval! I've seen ascendants like these before, but never one this size!"

"Guess we got lucky killing this guy!" Spe-7 says. "What are you going to do with this thing?"

"I actually don't know. I betcha I can even get this thing's heart out and use it for myself." Drifter chuckles as he whips out his knife and begins digging into the primeval. Spe-7 looks away in disgust as strange taken matter flies out while Drifter continues to dig through the dead primeval, and it's not long before he hits guts- at which point the equine hunter takes off her helmet to throw up. "What? Can't handle some blood? You girls do it all the time!"

"Well I'm not the one cutting them up and dissecting them!" Spe-7 complains as she wipes off the puke from her mouth. "What are you even going to use the heart for?!"

"Well, I saw that Gold was the one that landed the killing blow so I thought, hey why not make a weapon using this thing?" Drifter asks. "Maybe I can infuse whatever's in this thing into the weapon... Hey Gold, think you can help me out here?"

"What's up?" Gold asks.

"I need you to go into the dreaming city and find me something." Drifter replies. "I knew a man named Callum Sol, but last I heard from him he was experimenting with the darkness much like I was. I've been meaning to talk with him at some point but he's never responded, and the dreaming city is where I last heard he was. If you could go in and find out what happened, that would be wonderful."

"I guess we can do that." Gold says. "Suzuka? Spe-chan? You wanna come along?"

"I guess, couldn't hurt." Spe-7 replies. "Dreaming city it is?"

"Dreaming city it is." Suzuka says as the trio heads off for the dreaming city, intent on finding this Callum Sol person that the old guardian is talking about.

"I'm wondering what this gun is gonna be like, it's gotta be cool!" Gold says, imagining herself wielding a massive gun that shoots a gigantic laser beam of destruction. When they touch down in the dreaming city they see that the place has been overrun with enemies of all kinds- including the very scorn that Spe-7 and Suzuka helped Taiki vanquish from the tangled shore.

"These guys are still here?! I thought killing Fikrul would destroy them as well!" Suzuka says in shock.

"This is Spider." A familiar voice says through Fang. "I most definitely made a mistake when researching these scorn and their dark ether... As it turns out they can actually resurrect each other with this stuff... They don't come back any more right in the head though. Dearest apologies but at least you have punching bags to let out stress on."

"Where do we even begin?" Gold asks as she looks around to see Taken enemies fighting against the scorn.

"I think we need to get through there." Spe-7 says as she notices a door that has been blocked off by a strange black mass. Guarding the door is a powerful taken centurion and it quickly notices the trio of guardians, shouting to his fellow taken and siccing them on the equine guardians. "Incoming!"

"I got this!" Suzuka shouts as she charges up her void energy and throws a powerful nova punch, nailing the taken commander in the face and sending him- along with everyone around him- flying off in different directions. The scorn that are caught in the powerful blast splat alongside the mountainous ranges and some of the taken blow apart like tomatoes when they hit the walls, making Spe-7 laugh. With the centurion gone the door opens up and the trio rush through to find that there is a strange portal waiting for them, looking very much like a portal that the taken would emerge from. "...What is that? Do we go through?"

"I guess... We'll have to be careful though." Gold replies as the trio carefully enters the portal to find themselves in an ascendant plane. There they can find a whole abundance of taken runts guarding the area, ranging from phalanxes to invisible minotaurs. "Looks like we're busting through! Spe-chan, hold them off!"

"You got it! Eat my spear!" Spe-7 shouts as she unleashes her arc energy and conjures up an arc spear and starts jabbing away at the various taken enemies, forcing the minotaurs to emerge from cover and allowing for Gold and Suzuka to properly target them. "Keep moving!"

"Right!" Gold calls out as she nearly gets sent flying by a taken phalanx's shield blast and kills the one responsible with an explosive solar drop kick. It's not long before they find another portal, this time guarded by taken hobgoblins, and a void shot nearly takes out the equine titan. "Snipers!"

"Looks like these guys won't go down without a fight..." Suzuka mumbles as she brings out her own sniper rifle and takes aim. The taken hobgoblins then engage the equine warlock in a sniper's duel, carefully moving around and taking shots at each other, and Suzuka manages to snipe one of the hobgoblins in the head. As it goes down it releases three powerful shrieker-like missiles that nearly take out the warlock had she not dodged, and the process is repeated for the other hobgoblin, freeing up the portal. "The way's clear! Let's go!"

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