Chapter 10: The Midas Touch

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"That's three barons down already!" Spe-7 says. "I don't believe it..."

"He's taken them down so fast as well." Suzuka replies. "Either he's working fast or he's really mad."

"Maybe the latter?" Spe-7 asks as she sees a large group of scorn troopers escorting a gigantic headless abomination. "I got it!" She shouts as she charges forth and delivers a powerful arc charged flying kick that zaps all of the smaller guys to a crisp and stuns the abomination for a few seconds. Fortunately those few seconds are all that Spe-7 needs to blast the abomination with her shotgun, and it quickly falls, dropping an exotic engram in the process. "Whoa! Is this?!"

"I would be careful if I were you... You shouldn't have been able to get that so easily." Fang says, but the equine hunter picks it up anyway. It's then that everyone sees the "engram" slowly start to turn red and begin ticking.

"It's a bomb!" Twinkle shouts.

"Holy-" Spe-7 doesn't even bother to finish as she throws the rigged engram at a group of unfortunate cabal and it explodes, taking them all out in the blast.

"I couldn't even imagine what it would look like if a shipment of THESE were sent to the tower... But I'm pretty sure Taiki is on the trail to the one responsible, probably Araskes." Suzuka says. It's then that they see that someone has left a whole trail of heavy ammo, but when Spe-7 goes to pick one of them up, it explodes in her face, leaving her mask charred black from the explosion.

"Gosh! What in the world is going on?!" Spe-7 shouts. "How much did that scorn baron rig?!"

"Not sure if I want to know, but there's Taiki!" Suzuka says as the exo zooms by on a sparrow, apparently having followed the trail of rigged items. He finds himself walking into an area just beyond where the trail of items stops, and a giant pile of rigged engrams is found.

"I know you're here Araskes! Where are you?!" Taiki shouts as he picks up one of the rigged engrams and chucks it, exploding various parts of the wall. He continues to do this until the pile of engrams runs out and finally a voice can be heard.

"Oh crap! It found our factory of delights!" The voice calls out. "If only we'd planned for this!" She laughs. "You'll have to mine your way there if you want to reach me!"

"A mine huh..." Taiki mumbles as he immediately begins searching for a mine around the area he was just in. He perseveres, his pure rage and fury driving  him, and he eventually finds an area that's been blocked off by rocks. "Looks like I'm blasting my way through then!" He laughs as he finds one more rigged engram and throws it, blasting open the blockade and allowing him entrance into the mine that Araskes is hiding in. "You can't hide forever!"

"Oh yes I can!" Araskes shouts as her scorn troopers move out to try and distract Taiki. He then proceeds to lob a flaming hammer at one of them and he manages to score a hit- and then another hit as it bounces off another scorn's head- and then yet another.

"Well... Talk about lucky..." Taiki snickers as the hammer continues to bounce off the scorn heads out of sheer dumb luck and it's not long before the hammer finally hits the ground- when it finally hits the ground most of the attacking scorn have either been killed by the impact or left dizzy, leaving the exo to just punch them to death where they stand. Suzuka and Spe slowly tail behind as more bomb engrams lay around for Taiki to use against his enemies, and then he comes across a chest. "What the... I've got a bad feeling about this..." His suspicions are confirmed as when he attempts to open the chest it explodes, sending him into the wall. "Ow... That hurt..." He slowly gets up and Araskes taunts him yet again.

"Man, if only Cayde were that dumb! I didn't think you could fall for that!" Araskes laughs.

"You're pushing it you old hag!" Taiki shouts as he rushes further into the mine much to Suzuka's chagrin.

"She's going to regret that..." Suzuka mumbles as she and Spe-7 head further in and see that Taiki is already engaged in close combat with Araskes.

"Hey! She copied my style!" Spe-7 whispers to Suzuka, noticing the hood and cape that the trickster wears.

"Here! Have some ammo!" Araskes shouts as she tosses Taiki a piece of heavy ammo, but knowing her tricks Taiki simply bats it back at her with his sword, causing it to explode in the trickster's face and stun her for a brief moment. "Oof..."

"I don't think you liked that very much, did you?" Taiki laughs.

"Shut up!" Araskes shouts back as Taiki closes in and blasts her in the face with his grenade launcher. This manages to knock the trickster on her back, leaving her open to Taiki's blade, and he proceeds to leap high up before diving down, plunging the blade into Araskes' head, putting a swift but brutal end to the trickster, and Taiki sheathes his blade when the ordeal is done.

"Huh, she was a whole lot weaker than I thought... Didn't even have to bring out my hammer..." Taiki mumbles as he looks at Araske's dead body. "Oh well!" And with that he leaves the mine feeling satisfied about his victory.

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