Chapter 26: Reaching Out

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As soon as the trio finds themselves through the portal they come across what appears to be some sort of elevator, with a strange switch that none of them know how to work. On either side of the elevator there are two podiums each with a strange object on them, and upon picking them up an energy radiates from them- one that seems to drain their shields the longer they hold it.

"Bring me over, I've had a little experience with these before I first met you." Twinkle says as Spe-7 slowly brings the ghost over. Twinkle then gets to work on the switch while Gold and Suzuka each grab a relic. Once Twinkle throws the switch and starts the elevator, a giant blight immediately forms in the center of the elevator and a troop of taken hive emerge- one of the knights bearing a shield that no bullets or rockets will penetrate.

"Suzuka-chan! The relic!" Spe calls out. "Try throwing it at him!"

"Right!" Suzuka shouts as she throws the relic like a baseball at the shielded taken knight. The relic proceeds to explode, stripping the taken knight of his impenetrable shield and leaving him dazed for Gold to take out with an explosive solar dropkick. Thanks to some tactical gathering that Gold had done earlier, she manages to kick the taken knight into the rest of his brethren, knocking them all over like bowling pins. "Nice kick!"

"Thanks, but here come more!" Gold calls out as more taken emerge, this time cabal as two phalanxes and a centurion emerge, complete with shield, and taken psions flank their sides.

"Watch out!" Spe-7 shouts as the taken psions begin to split and the centurion throws an axiom dart, targeting the equine hunter with it. Suzuka and Gold once again go for the relics, throwing them all over the place as they regenerate. The elite taken have their shields stripped by the exploding relics, and Suzuka throws powerful implosion kicks to send them all flying off the elevator. "That should take care of them, the elevator's coming to a stop!" As the doors to the elevator open though, the enemies that come forth take them by surprise. "Scorn?! What are THEY doing here?! I thought they were just limited to outside of the city!"

"No matter, let's take them out all the same!" Suzuka shouts as she lets loose with her cabal gun, incinerating some of the headless ravagers that charge at them while Gold gets up close and personal, dispatching of those that try to snipe her with her trusty hand cannon. As they head further in it's very clear that the scorn have made their presence known as raiders take to the crevices to make potshots at them and chieftains move in, throwing their strange totems everywhere, but all of their progress is for naught as Suzuka charges up a powerful nova punch and as soon as she hits one chieftain the rest of them get eviscerated by the resulting explosion, leaving Spe-7 to take down the snipers. "I was expecting Hive to be down here considering their nature but if the scorn are here, something tells me that things are not going right..." And with that they find yet another portal just off in the distance- one that has strange blue trails emanating from it. "...Do we dare go in?"

"Let's see what's inside, it couldn't be any worse than this, could it?" Gold asks.

"You might have jinxed it..." Spe-7 mumbles as the trio slowly goes through the portal and find themselves in an ascendant plane. Unsurprisingly there are scorn inhabiting the plane, but what is absolutely horrifying to Spe-7 is the fact that there is a mass of red tendrils- much like what they encountered on the moon. "No... No no no no no no..."

"What?" Gold asks, but as she closes in on the red mass it begins to take form- a form that makes Spe-7 scream. "Yep! I definitely jinxed it! Who the hell is that?!"

"It's a nightmare! Of The Fanatic let alone! What's it doing off of the moon?!" Suzuka yells as the nightmare of Fikrul emerges and the scorn come to aid.

"Hello again, dead thing... MURDERER! KILLER! Come to slaughter my children again? Perhaps, me?" Fikrul asks, but unlike when he was still alive his voice sounds like a ghost- fading in and out, and he slams his staff on the ground, creating an arc field that nearly zaps Gold silly.

"You went down once Fikrul, you'll go down again just the same!" Spe-7 shouts. "This one's for Cayde!" She shouts as she conjures up an arc spear and goes toe-to-toe with Fikrul. Some of the scorn stop to watch as Fikrul and Spe violently duke it out with neither of them letting the other get an opening jab, but the nightmare loses the advantage as Spe-7 goes for a low sweep and distracts him long enough for her to start jabbing away, and finally the nightmare is incapacitated with a mighty thrust to the skull. The arc spear dissipates and the scorn look in shock as the nightmare of Fikrul slumps, but does not fall to the ground limp- instead it vanishes once more into a mass of red tendrils and the scorn that still stand are quickly dispatched by Suzuka and Gold. "That was easy... Almost TOO easy..."

"But if that nightmare is here, then the darkness... Just grab what you need Gold and we need to get to Zavala, NOW." Suzuka says.

"Right..." Gold replies as she looks around the battlefield and notices a weapon core. "This thing must have been sitting here for... Possibly ages, but the thing is completely charged..." She says as she picks it up. "Drifter will want this."

"Maybe our fight with the nightmare charged it up?" Spe-7 asks. "Let's go."

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