Their best day

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So, everyone wanted a twist and here it is! (Twist of "Their miserable day)

After a few hours, everyone finally went in. They were welcomed by a cute sight.


It was their volleyball match against a volleyball from another country. Tobio has to sit out for this one because of his pregnancy. After a few sets, they won. Tobio congratulate his teammates and their opponents for their hard work. Tobio was just talking to his teammates about his new quick attack, with his husband, Tsukishima Kei, standing by his side. Until, he felt a sharp pain on his stomach. He grunted in pain and caress his belly. Kei understood this and told Oikawa to call an ambulance. Tobio was basically 9 months pregnant.

When the ambulance arrived, he was immediately got taken. Same as they arrived at the hospital, he was immediately rushed to the labor room. The team tried to calmed Kei down since he was mumbling and walking back and forth. He was sweating so much, too. Few hours later, the doctor finally came out from the room.


"I'm his husband!" Kei said, as he stood up.

"Congratulation, Mr. Tsukishima! The baby is born healthy and your husband is doing okay. Your baby is a boy, sir. You can go in if you want to see him!" He said and left to clean his hands.

Kei rushed to the room with the others.

End of flashback

Tobio looked at them and smiled as he held his and Kei's baby boy. Kei run towards his husband and kisses him. It was not dirty or sloppy, it was sweet and innocent kiss. They pulled away from each other and Kei hugged him. He teared up and faces his baby. He slowly carry his son from Tobio's embrace and gently rocking him.

"What should we name him?" Kei asked.

Everyone was already taking photos, every angle.

"Keito. Tsukishima Keito." Tobio said.

"Cute." Kei said and kisses Tobio again.

After a few weeks, everyone barely practice because of Keito. They only want to play with him, even though he can't open his eyes yet. Iwaizumi has to scold them to go to practice, and secretly took photos of Keito.

But most of all,

The Tsukishima family is starting to build


So, satisfied or nah?

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