Fallen angel

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Fallen angel Tsukishima Kei AU

Kageyama was just sleeping peacefully after a long day of practice, until he heard a big thud on his backyard. He jumped off his bed and grabs a flashlight. He turned on the switch from the kitchen. He looked at the door, which lead to the backyard. He gulped before walking slowly towards the door. He slowly turned the door knob and cannot believed what he just see.

"Wings!? Black wings!?" he thought.

Kageyama noticed the big scar and the broken left wing side. The man groaned and tried to move. Kageyama said something that he almost regret,

"Wait! Don't move!"

The man slowly turned towards him with wide eyes. "Y-You can see me?.."


"What the!?"

Kageyama walked towards him and helped him sat up. The man groaned when he felt a sharp pain on his left wing.

"Your left wing has big scar and is almost broken..."

The man frowned and asked, "Can you fix it?"

"Well, it takes a long time to heal..." Kageyama answered.

"Are you not scared of me?"

"Um.. I am actually quiet trembling right now but i think you need help, so it's okay.."

The man was quiet. He couldn't believe it. A human, a living human wad actually talking to him.


"Sit here and wait. I am going to grab the first aid kit" Kageyama said as he left to go to get what he need.

The man looks around and was amazed. He still didn't know, why was he kick out from heaven and the hell didn't accept him either. He doesn't know why.

"Okay i'm back! I am gonna put something on your scars that it may hurt for a while. Is it okay?"

"Yes. Just don't pluck the feathers out.."

"I am not dumb."

Kageyama wet the towel he brought and started cleaning the scars. The man hissed at the sting and hotness of the water. Kageyama gently wipes the blood off and asked,

"What is your name, btw?"

"Tsukishima Kei."

Kageyama smiled and wet the towel again to washed the blood off from the towel, and started to clean the blood from the scars. Tsukishima flinched at the little bit of sting. Kageyama then started to rub something on the scars and gently putted the bandages.

"Thanks.." Tsukishima said.

"No problem!" Kageyama said.

After many months, Kageyama helped his only friend, Tsukishima Kei. The both of them got closer and grew feelings for each other. And of course, they didn't tell each other. That will be awkward if one of them is not ready. Tsukishima always stays inside the house when Kageyama is not home.

One day..

"Hey Kageyama.."

"What is it, Tsukishima?"

"Um.. Can i tell you something?"


"Um.. We have been friends for months now. Thank you for saving me, if it weren't for you, i will be in danger. Kageyama, i like you.."

Kageyama blushed at the sudden confession and cupped Tsukishima's face.

"I like you too, Kei."

Tsukishima was happy. He immediately kiss the raven haired boy. And of course, Kageyama kissed back.

The two of them are happy. Kageyama didn't tell team yet. He knows Tsukishima isn't ready to tell about himself yet. After all, they lived happily.

I am at the park right now
and even though we just got
here, i want to go home.

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